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Help the Environment With These 6 Small Changes

by Jenn Lee | 19-01-2021 03:31

As the effects of global warming only seem to get worse, making individual efforts to help save the planet can seem useless. However, even little efforts can pay off over time, and there are ways to reduce your carbon imprint on a smaller scale. If this seems intimidating, here are a handful of small steps you can take to get started.

1. Change How You Use Water 

Wasting water is one of the easiest problems you can help fix. You may have heard of taking shorter showers or turning off the tap when you brush your teeth, but there are other things you can change as well. For example, check to see if you have hard water. Hard water can make cleaning around your house more difficult, resulting in more cleaning products and chemicals ending up in the ocean. This is where water softener can make a big difference in both the environment and in your daily life. Say no to scrubbing hard water stains and yes to shinier hair and better tasting water.

2. Shop Sustainably

Not everyone has the financial means to shop sustainably, but if you have the option, spend your money with sustainable businesses who are taking active measures to help the environment. Not only will you get waste-free products, but your money will go straight to organizations that are making an impact. If this isn't feasible for you, bring bags when you go shopping and try to select products without plastic packaging.

3. Talk To Others

If you've changed your habits to live more sustainably, talk to others about your success. Many people feel overwhelmed by the idea of saving the environment without realizing how small some changes really are. Gift some reusable shopping bags or talk about how nice your bar shampoo smells. Talking to your friends and family doesn't have to cost anything, and you never know the extent of the ripple effect you create.

4. Smart Traveling

Travel is responsible for huge amounts of pollution. If you're someone who flies often or spends hours in your car every day, it may be time for a chance. Walk or bike when you can, and consider buying a more eco-friendly vehicle next time you need a new car. This is also a great way to start up that exercise habit you keep pushing off.

5. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

This age-old advice still stands as one of the most basic ways you can help the environment. Even if your location's recycling policies and procedures are disappointing, some recycling is better than nothing. Gradually switch to products with less packaging, and find creative ways to reuse the packaging you do buy. This policy extends beyond new products, too. Fast fashion fills landfills everywhere, so donate or repurpose your clothing when you're done with it, and use fiber catchers in your wash to prevent the small bits of plastic from entering the waterways. Host parties with your friends so everyone can exchange items they no longer want or need.

6. Volunteering

While many organizations benefit best from monetary donations, there are many ways you can volunteer to help the environment. Check out local organizations to find out how you can help out your own community. If you don't find anything local, take the proper safety precautions and organize a beach or river cleanup day. Plant a tree in your backyard, or host a class on making reusable grocery bags. Find out what skills you have to offer and put them to good use.

Working towards a healthier environment can seem like an enormous task, but there are still ways you can make an impact. Through small changes, you can work towards a visible difference in your community.