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Steps You Can Take to Help Prevent and Reduce Climate Change

by Jenn Lee | 19-01-2021 11:56

What you may not realize is that healing the planet begins in your garage, at the dining-room table, and in your kitchen.

Today, nations across the globe are increasing their efforts to help fight climate change. This is true even after the president, Donald Trump, announced the U.S.¡¯s withdrawal from the Paris Agreement. Even though many believe this was a reckless move, major companies, governors, county officials, state leaders, American mayors, and individual citizens have stated they are still dedicated to making changes that will be good for the planet and environment.

If you are one of the millions who are ready to fight climate change alongside the Climate Leadership Council and many other organizations, keep reading. Some steps you can take – right from your own home – can be found here.

Talk About It

One of the best things you can do to impact global climate change positively is to speak to people you know about it. Be sure these people are making smart decisions, too. When you voice your worries through social media or even to your local representatives, you send the message that you truly care about the world.

Take steps to encourage congress to make new laws that reduce carbon emissions and require anyone to create pollution to pay for the emissions produced. The top reason elected officials will do anything that may be somewhat challenging is that their constituents make it necessary. There are so many things you can do, so make sure your voice is heard.

Use Renewable Energy to Power Your Home

Select a utility company that is generating a minimum of half its power from solar and wind, and that is certified by Green-e Energy. This is an organization that vets any type of renewable energy options. If this is not an option, look at your electric bill. Several utility companies list other methods you can use to support renewable sources through their website or monthly statement.

Invest in Weatherization

The heating and cooling systems in your home are the biggest energy users. In fact, AC and heating make up about half of all home energy usage. You can make the space much more energy efficient by sealing all drafts and ensuring proper insulation is in place. You can also take advantage of federal tax credits for any type of energy-efficient home improvement you make.

Invest in Energy-Efficient Appliances

Energy-efficient appliances were first introduced in 1987. These efficiency standards established for countless products and appliances have helped to keep about 2.3 billion tons of carbon dioxide out of the air. This is approximately the same yearly carbon pollution that is created by 440 million cars. Investing in energy efficiency is the most affordable way to reduce your emissions. When you go shopping for washing machines, refrigerators, and other types of appliances, be sure to look for ones marked with the Energy Star label. This is going to let you know what the most efficient options are.

Reduce Overall Water Waste 

Did you know that saving water will also help to reduce carbon pollution, as well? This is since water takes quite a bit of energy to pump, treat, and heat. Try to take shorter or colder showers, turn the tap off while you are brushing your teeth, and switch to appliances and fixtures that are labeled WaterSense. According to the EPA, if one out of every 100 homes in the U.S. were retrofitted using water-efficient fixtures, it will save approximately 100 million kilowatt-hours of electricity each year. It would also help to avoid over 80K tons of pollution that causes global warming.

As you can see, there are more than a few things you can do to help reduce global warming and positively impact climate change. Be sure to keep the tips here in mind and do your part. In the long run, this is going to pay off for you and the environment.