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2021 and climate change

by Dolma Diki Sherpa | 07-01-2021 14:58

Countries have a limited time to tackle impact of climate change. Here are the reasons why 2021 ma be crucial to combat against climate change. 

1)Climate conference 2021
Climate conference will be held in November 2021 in Glasgow where all the world leaders will gather together to the landmark Paris meeting of 2021. In the Paris aggrement, world leaders together aggreed to minimize impacts of climate change. Aim was to keep the rise of temperature to 1.5 degree Celsius. All the nations promised to come back every 5 years to raise their carbon cutting emissions so this conference should held in November 2020. Due to this pandemic of Covid, this conference was postponed to this year.

2) Countries are already begins signing up to reduce carbon emissions.
UN general assembly in September China president Xi Jinping announched that China will be made carbon neutral by 2060. To reduce carbon emissions is not easy task for all countries. Most of the country aimed net zero carbon emissions.

3) Renewables are now cheapest energy ever

In October 2020 International Energy Agency concluded that best solar power schemes now offer the cheapest source of electricity in history. If the nation become more concern to invest in wind and solar batteries it become cheaper than coal and gas power stations.

4) Green business 
Due to lowering price of renewable and public pressure on climate change attitudes of business are changing. All invester and business should follow the activities compulsory that they will reduce zero carbon emissions. About 70 central banks are already working in sector of green business.

5) COVID 19 and environment

Due to this pandemic and government all nation are facing economical crisis. European union and Joe Biden administration promised to invest trillion of dollars to start the process of decarbonisation.

We hope 2021 will better to mitigate to climate change.