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Hemp : A plant to save our future

by Shobha Pokhrel | 08-01-2021 01:43

 We are bounded by lots of crops as a gift by our nature . Every plant have their significance in this earth.

Today I am  exploring about  one of the most multipurpose gift given to us by our nature .


Hemp is a variety of the Cannbis sativus plant species  which is used to make a  wide range of products . Along with bamboo hemp is one of the fastest growing plant on the earth . This plant was one of the first plant to be spun into usable fibre  It can be refined  into variety of commercial item  including paper , rope , textile , clothing , biodegradable plastics paints ,biofuel .fod and animal feed .


Hemp contains psychoactive component Tetrahydrocannabinol  ( THC) in low concentration  and contains higher concentration  of cannabidol which  decreases  or eliminates its psychoactive  effects . Nowdays ,amny countries throughout the world  are legally  strong in the import and the export of the industrial hemp . Hemp with low concentration of  THC are only permitted .

 Hemp plants has lots of benefits .  Some are :

1.      Hemp  is good for planet  as it helps  from clearing  the air to  regenerating  soil  and providing habitat  for wildlife .

2.       Hemp breaths in CO2 Hemp is basically natural purifier . The plant rapidly  captures CO2  from the atmosphere  and makes  what we breathe much cleaner .In fact for every tonne of hemp produced ,1.63  tonnes of carbons removed from the air .

3.      Heme regenerates  the soil  :  The stem and the leaves  are jam packed of nutrients . As the plant matures and the seed grows ,leaf matter falls to the ground  and decomposes replenishing the soil with goodness ready for the next crop .

4.       Hemp agnaist pesticides : It does not requires pesticides or herbicides   to grow .

5.       Hemp prevents soil erosion :   The roots of the hemp plant grow strong and upto whopping nine feet  deep  . This type of root system helps to hold soil together  and  prevent erosion .

6.       Hemp needs little water :It requires very little water to grow

7.       Nothing goes to waste with hemp  :   hemp can be used to produce over 25,000 products . The  seed is  used to  produce healthy  food products , The flower and the leaves are used to make beauty products  and the stalk for natural fibre.

8.       Hemp provides  a  habitat  for wildlife as it  grows to three feet tall .

9.      Hemp can help in the fight agnaist   deforestation . Scientists  across  the world now  believe  with  100  years  , there  will be no rainforest . But  there  is  hope  in hemp . While trees  take   years  to mature , hemp can be grown  in just  four months .  The plant    could  there  fore replace  trees as the source of raw material  for paper . Hemp can  save the planet .