Climate change and agricultureby Shobha Pokhrel | 09-01-2021 00:59 |
CLIMATE CHANGE AND AGRICULTURE Climate change and the agriculture are interrelated processes both of which take a space on a globle scale . Global warming is projected to have significant on conditions affecting agriculture ,including temperature , carbondioxide , Glacial Run-off , precipitation and the interaction of these elements . These elements determine the carring capacity of the biosphere to produce enough food for the human population and domesticated animals . Climate change drivers and effect to agriculture The drivers that lead to effects on agriculture will be grouped into five categories Temperature affects plants , animals , animals , pests and water supplies . For example , temperature alterations directly affect crop growth rates , livestock performance and appetite , pest incidence and water supplies in soil and reserviours among other influences . Precipitation alters the water directly available to crops, the drought stress crops are placed under , The supply of forage for animals , animal production conditions , irrigation , water supplies and river flows supporting barge transport among other items . Changes in the atmospheric CO2 influences the growth of plants by altering the basic fuel for photosynthesis as wella as the water that plants need as they grow along with the growth rates of weeds . Extreme events influence production condition s , water supplies , and can alter water borne transport and ports . Sea level rise influences ports , water borne transport and can inundate producing lands . |