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The migration of the Lilac-crowned Parrot

by Adan Ojeda Villa | 31-12-2020 07:00

The lilac-crowned parrot (Amazona finschi) is one of the many species of migratory birds that are distributed throughout the Mexican territory. It has a distribution from Sonora to the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. In Mexico, it is considered an Endangered Species (P) by NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010, which is the list of all species at risk in our country. Its main threats include the loss of its habitat and illegal trafficking. It is a seed predator, which makes it play a very important role in maintaining the diversity of trees in tropical forests.
This species responds to seasonality by migrating altitude, during the months of May to June, which are the driest of the year, flying from 40 to 50 km to the Sierra Cocoma, near the Sierra de Manantlán Biosphere Reserve. These movements are of great importance for the conservation of parrots, which is the family to which it belongs, along with many more species of parrots, and the maintenance and integration of the natural protected areas where the species inhabits [1]. Seasonal changes cause this peculiar parrot to be distributed above 1000 meters above sea level. The Pacific coast of central Mexico has a greater existence of food resources and vegetation that make the lilac-crowned parrot widely distributed in this area to feed and nest [2].
One of the most dangerous journeys known in the entire animal kingdom is migration. Birds during their migratory journeys are also exposed to danger, since only 50% of them survive, and this is because urban settlements have grown and have ended up with places where they used to arrive and that they used for generations, too. they can be preyed upon by some mammals, and as if that were not enough, they are exposed to aggressive climates such as torrential storms and even hurricanes [3]. They are fully exposed to various tests during their journeys. To face everything that awaits them on the way, they have to prepare, mainly energy, they do it by accumulating fat reserves to later metabolize it during migration, this allows them to make such extensive trips without making stops for provisions, although other species of birds suspended physiological processes that require energy to be able to continue saving and storing it [4].
The lilac-crowned parrot maintains a wide distribution throughout the Mexican Pacific, it is a threatened species, as well as many of the geographical areas where it lives, which is why it is of the utmost importance to conserve the ecosystems where it migrates so that it continues to be available. resources you need for your survival. Remember that wild animals are not pets and should not live in captivity. The purpose of the lilac-crowned parrot is to fly, they need flight to be able to oxygenate their body and brain to function properly and it is important to be with others of the same species in their natural habitat, as they do not have the opportunity to fly, they develop a high level of stress which causes them strong disorders. One of them is aggression against all types of individuals who approach them or against themselves. In addition to playing an important role in maintaining the diversity of trees in tropical forests, our existence depends on birds like this. A free parrot is an independent parrot, a parrot in captivity is a 100% vulnerable parrot.
Cited Bibliography
[1] Sánchez-Barradas, A., Santiago-Jiménez, Q. J., & Rojas-Soto, O. (2017). Temporal variation in the geographical and ecological distribution of Amazona finschi (Psittaciformes: Psittacidae). Revista de Biologia Tropical, 65 (3), 1194–1207.
[2] Renton, K., & Salinas-Melgoza, A. (1999). Nesting behavior of the lilac-crowned parrot. The Wilson Bulletin.
[3] Mountains might hold the answer. Ci.Nii.Ac.Jp. Retrieved March 31, 2020, from
[4] Dingle, H. (n.d.). Migration: the biology of life on the move.