CLIMATE SMART AGRICULTUREby Shobha Pokhrel | 19-12-2020 20:44 |
CLIMATE SMART AGRICULTURE The world is facing A monumental food security challenge ; we need to produce 70 % more food by 2050 to feed nine billion people . This problem is compounded by agriculture¡¯s vulnerability to climate change problem . The sector generates 20 -30 % of the total greenhouse gas emissions. The way to get solution for these two probllems is Climate Smart Agriculture – a more resilent food system that produces more and pollutes less . Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) is an integrated Approach to managing landscapes to help adapt agricultural methods ,livestock and crops to the ungoing human – induced climate change and where possible counter act it by reducing green house gas emission , at the same time taking into account the growing world population ensure food security . Climsate smart agriculture has three main pillars – A. Increasing agricultureal productivity and incomes B. Adopting and building resilence to climate change C. Reducing /removing gren house gas emissions CSA lists different actions to contour the future challenges for crops and plants . With respect to rising tempersture and heat stress eg .CSA recommends the production of heat tolerant crops varieties , mulching ,water management ,nutrient management , shade house , boundry trees and appropriate housing and spacing for cattle . |