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Kazakhstanis very negatively belong to illegal tree felling

by Ilona Poplavskaya | 20-12-2020 16:17

The office of super-express forecast of social views DEMOSCOPE has conducted a questionnaire survey of people on the problem "The approach of Kazakhstanis to environmental issues", according to which it turned out that the restraining majority of Kazakhstanis very negatively belong to illegal tree felling, Kazakhstan Today reports.  From December 8 to December 12, 2020, 1100 individuals were interviewed in fourteen spheres, also settlements of republican significance (Nor-Ruler, Almaty, Shymkent).  The survey was conducted in Kazakh and Russian styles by a line of telephone calls to a fixed hotel.  In a sample survey, 53% of the stronger sex also found assistance by 47% of girls over 18 years old.  The base for the selection was the subscriber base of fixed telephone numbers according to Kazakhstan.  With the purpose of this collection, the largest volume of statistical sin with the possibility of 95% does not exceed 3%, "the office said. The results of a sample survey showed that most of Kazakhstanis (37%) believe that the main environmental issue of the region is pollution of the atmosphere. A third of the respondents (  30%) are puzzled by the issue of disposal and processing of garbage. 14% of the participants in the sample survey believe that the main environmental issue of their own area is littering. It is typical that the environmental status of their habitats directly influences the understanding of the population of various environmental issues. For example, illegal tree felling.  the population of Almaty, Almaty and Karaganda regions responded more critically, "the experts noted.  According to the results of a sample survey, the population of Almaty and the East Kazakhstan region suffer the most from the pollution of the atmosphere.  Difficulties in the removal and processing of garbage are more generally alarming for the population of the Turkestan and Almaty spheres.  A very significant sign is considered the desire of people to protect and protect the surrounding area.  According to the data of the sample survey carried out, the majority of Kazakhstanis (64%) are very negative about the illegal felling of trees by large companies and also call for tougher sanctions due to such pathologies.  26% of people are loyal to this condition.  According to them, the government needs to better watch for similar violations, but this, as they believe, is a "minor crime".  Also, only 6% reacted to such pathologies with awareness.  According to their opinion, entrepreneurship is currently in a difficult situation, "the office said. According to the judgment of many people (55%), the government is responsible for supporting the ecosystem in the main priority, including the akimats and the Department of Ecology, Geology.  Natural resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan. One third of the respondents entrust the responsibility to the residents. Only 7% believe that because of the environment, large industrial companies also have to comply with entrepreneurship. Undoubtedly, a significant indicator is the desire of people to take responsibility because of the support of nature.  According to a sample survey, most of the respondents believe that the development of a lean relationship to nature around residents is the most correct solution to environmental issues. 22% of respondents are confident that only strengthening the sanctions due to environmental crimes will be able to improve the situation.  19% of people also spoke of the waste energy.  11% believe that a systematic aspect is needed in this problem, and that the most important whole changes in this area are needed, "the results of a sample survey say. Let us recall that the illegal logging of the Red Data Book trees near the Sulpak shopping center prompted a huge social response.  The head of the country. The head entrusted the Akim Bakytzhan Sagintayev to carry out the official investigation of the incident, and also to interest the guilty to responsibility. Undoubtedly, the sharp response of Almaty residents to the protection of green spaces is associated, in this quantity, with a powerful clogging of the atmosphere in the town. Unfortunately, at this or another level  the population of absolutely all areas of Kazakhstan is faced with environmental difficulties.Perhaps, the plan of the decree of the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Formation, which provides for the introduction of changes also in additions to the  The standard principles of finding also the protection of green spaces, the principles of the improvement of land in settlements and populated areas, but in addition the principles of offering a nationwide service "Granting permission to cut trees."  An outline of an important document is posted on the Disclosed ABOs website for public comment.  In particular, it is planned to introduce the Thirty-Compound Compensation for the illegal felling of trees replaced by the Scarlet Book.  Previously, the measure due to illegal felling existed equal for the purpose of absolutely all trees - Twentieth-complex compensation is also a fine, "the office said. According to the State Report on the presence of the area around the sphere of the use of natural resources, in 2018 emissions of polluting elements during  air, airspace from fixed springs, according to comparison with 2017, increased by 3.8% and also collected 2,446.7 thousand tons. In Almaty, according to the results of the forecast of the RSE "Kazhydromet", the environmental status of a light reservoir in 2019 is equal to importance "  7 ", which belongs to a significant degree of clogging.
 In the morbidity pattern of residents, the share of respiratory diseases is 43.5%.  Only in Nor-Sultan, the number of situations with diseases of respiratory organizations from 2015 to 2016 increased by 44%