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3 Ways to Help Out the Environment

by Shanise Williams | 11-11-2020 04:51

One tradition that often comes up as the end of the year approaches is that of New Year's resolutions waiting just around the corner. The year 2020 has certainly not been boring but like other years it is ending. Looking ahead to January 1st, 2021, and thinking about resolutions can certainly serve as a worthwhile consideration. While common themes like getting fit or going back to school come up when making resolutions, positive changes that impact society at large are another prospective area for resolutions. Among the causes and movements that provide opportunities for everyone to participate and make a difference, helping the environment is certainly a worthwhile cause.

The planet earth has provided a place for life to flourish since its first appearance. Rapid industrial development and swelling populations around the globe have taken their toll on the very resources that civilization depends upon. Climate scientists are quick to proclaim the precarious nature of our ecosphere¡¯s condition. Pollution is another man-made problem that impacts us all. The availability of potable water is fast becoming yet another pressing global issue. Obviously, ample opportunities for everyone to help are all around us. Finding a place to begin can be a challenge.

Changes that individuals make are a matter of each person¡¯s circumstances. An individual who builds houses for a living might begin purchasing solar panels for home building projects. Another person may be so situated that they can make small monthly contributions to clean water charities. Younger people may select a course of academic study that will prepare them as a scientist or politician to tackle pollution problems. Examining how these individual choices might affect the future can be encouraging.

Renewable Energy Initiative

The example of a home builder who chooses to include solar energy as part of his business plan might begin a trend in residential home building. Imagine for example that the first few homes produced are sold at a premium price because they include renewable energy. Other construction companies might take notice and make similar decisions about incorporating solar or wind energy in residential and commercial real estate developments. Perhaps over a few years, this swells into a regional trend that further encourages solar energy demand among real estate developers.

It takes only a bit of imagination to see the potential for good that can stem from an individual¡¯s decision about making a difference. Skeptics may be quick to point out that the builder might just as likely go bankrupt because of his decision. Adopting such an attitude only serves to defeat the potential good that can come from individual choices by discouraging them from ever being made.

Charitable Giving Initiative

Small contributions made by the supporters of good causes have produced amazing results in the past. A consistent small monthly gift to a charity may encourage others to contribute as well. As the numbers of these contributions grow, the charity can do more work reaching other territories with clean water technologies. Ultimately, it might reach and supply a village from which the next Nobel prize-winning scientist comes. Again, the extent to which an individual¡¯s small choice can impact societies is limited only by our own imaginations.

Career Choice Initiative

Education has been called the great equalizer in society. When students have access to opportunities to learn how to make a difference, they often do just that. The student who devotes themselves to an educational pursuit in a scientific career may inspire a younger brother or sister who goes on to impact some area of material science research. A resulting innovation may create a process that reduces pollution significantly. The other student who majors in political science may ultimately participate in crafting legislation that makes recycling programs a profitable business opportunity providing employment and tax revenues.

Large beneficial changes in society often result from many small individual decisions. It is too easy to dismiss and ignore how individuals possess the ability to affect us all. Making New Year¡¯s resolutions can quickly become more significant than we ever imagined.