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How Individuals Can Make a Difference For Our Environment

by Kevin Devoto | 05-11-2020 07:31

The climate crisis often seems so massive that it is easy to become overwhelmed. Unfortunately, that often leads to a feeling of helplessness, which, in turn, leads to inaction. And action is exactly what is needed right now. Falling into the trap of thinking that you are too small as an individual to do anything about climate change is far too common. Resist those thoughts, because there are so many things that you can do to make a difference for the environment. Consider these things that can help.

Invest in Alternative Energy

Once the domain of a small segment of the population, alternative energy sources are now firmly mainstream. Thanks to advances in technology, rebates and tax incentives, more people are choosing to buy solar panels or invest in small wind turbines. Take a drive through any suburban neighborhood with high utility rates or unpredictable service and you are sure to notice at least one or two houses outfitted with rooftop panels. Geothermal heating and cooling systems are another option that has seen an uptick in installations.

Change How You Look At Food

Modern agricultural practices have led to serious degradation of natural resources. Most foods in industrialized nations come from vast factory farms. Animals are specifically bred for production and fed foods designed to speed that up. You also need to consider emissions from equipment and the myriad chemicals used to grow crops, many of which end up in groundwater and aquatic ecosystems, to really understand the size of the problem. Add the fact that roughly 30% of food purchased ends up as waste and the environmental implications become immense.

Help mitigate the problem by changing how you look at food. Support local agriculture whenever possible. Purchase shares in a CSA or rent a plot in a community garden. You will get fresher, more nutritious foods and cut down on transportation-related emissions. Also, explore ways you can eat natural foods by trying a Sugar-Free Diet. You will love how much more energy you feel when you cut sugar out of your eating plan. 

Conserve Natural Resources

You have probably heard this so many times you are ready to stop listening, but please don't. Every person who cuts back on their use of natural resources saves that much more for the next generation. If that isn't enough reason, then maybe the benefit to your budget will sway you. When you use fewer resources for things like water and water, you cut expenses, too. A few small household changes that can have big impacts on your environmental impact and wallet include:

  • Hanging clean laundry on a clothesline to dry

  • Riding a bike or walking for short trips

  • Installing aerators on faucets to reduce water use

  • Consolidating errands into a single trip

Eliminate Toxic Chemicals

A simple yet very effective way to improve your environmental record as a household is to eliminate harmful chemicals from your cleaning routine. There are multiple brands of eco-friendly cleaning products on the market today, many of which can be found in major retailers and grocery stores. Research how to find out if a product actually is environmentally friendly or if they are just using clever marketing to boost sales.

Share Your View With Those Around You

One of the best things you can do for the environment is to share your views about sustainability and conservation with others. Huge movements have been started with a single voice. The youth climate movement known as Fridays for Future is a perfect example. What started with one determined girl has led to a global movement with a presence on every continent.

The evidence to support climate change is overwhelming. Yet, every person has the power to make a difference. Start with small steps and, before belonging, you will start to see the results of your efforts.