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Boiling water in the Amazaon

by Nhu Duong | 03-11-2020 22:41

Hello guys, it is me, Jenny again. Today, I will bring to you information about the boiling water in the Amazon.
Amazon Rainforest is the largest tropical rainforest, it is located in the north of South America, covering an are of 2,300,000 square miles and occuying the drainage basin of the Amazon River. Reflecting environmetal conditions as well as past human influences the Amazon is made up of a mosaic of ecosystems and vegetation types including rainforests, seasonal forests, deciduous forests, flooded forests and savannas. The Amazon River is the second longest river in the world: 6,400 kilometres from Andes to Atlantic Ocean.

The boiling river, named Mayantuyacu, lies in the central Peruvian Amazon, it spends about four hour travelling by car, motorized canoe and foot from the eastern city of Pucallpa. The local remember this river as Shanaytimpishka, which means boiled with the heat of the sun and they believe that the boiling river is birthed of Yucamama- a giant spirit- known as Mother of the Waters. The river stretches four miles long and can plunge as deep as six feet in spots, and up to 80 feet wide in others. The water surges wider than a two-lane road. The temperature of this river is 186F and it ready to kill any creatures that fall into it.

Instead of having the high temperature, ths river is not match with any volcanoes or magmatic system, in fact it liese 400 miles from the nearest volcano. The local believe that the river has healing power, they harness its mysterious energy for traditional medicine. Not only that, they also use the river for cooking purposes.

It seems like this dangerous river is not a big concern to the local, instead of being scared by it, the local tend to use it as their friend and preserve it. In fact, natural elements will be come human's friend if we know how to treat and use it.