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How You Can Do Your Part to Create a Greener More Sustainable World

by Kari Oakley | 04-11-2020 01:53

Improving the health and wellbeing of the planet by reducing environmental impact requires the world¡¯s immediate attention. While this is an urgent matter where everyone has a responsibility, this can also feel daunting and overwhelming. If you find yourself overcome by the vast responsibility of changing the world, you need to take a step back and realize that this can all start off small. If you want to do your part in creating a greener and more sustainable world around you, here are a few achievable and manageable places to start.

Change Out Your Energy Sources

If you want to go greener, you need to swap out your finite energy sources for a renewable option. Using a solar panel battery can help you fuel your home without harming the earth. While you can¡¯t stop using energy completely, you can reduce the amount of impact that your energy use has on the planet. While this is an investment, this is one that is sure to pay off when you reduce your harm on the planet and reduce your energy bills.

Turn Off The Lights

If you want to cut back on energy use, stop pulling energy by leaving devices powered on even after you are done using them. When you leave a room, turn off the lights, open up the blinds and use the sun¡¯s natural glow instead of lamps, power down your computer and unplug appliances when you aren¡¯t using them. You may be surprised at the impact that this can have.

Exercise Outdoors

Another great opportunity to reduce your energy use is to exercise outside. Not only can you soak up the valuable sun rays and boost your vitamin d, but you won¡¯t be using electronic devices to get you moving. Instead of hopping on your exercise equipment or treadmill, go for a run outside and instead of turning on a live-streamed workout, get your heart pumping with some high-intensity, interval training outdoors.

Grow a Garden and Eat More Plant-Based Products

An area of your life where you can make changes and help restore the planet is your diet. Meat-based products can cause incredible damage to the environment, so by reducing the amount of meat that you consume, you can reduce the harm that is done. By replacing this with plant-based products and growing a garden where you can harvest your own vegetables, you can make small steps to help improve the world around you from the convenience of your own home.

Shop Sustainably and Cut Fast Fashion

For the lovers of style and fashion, this is an area of your life you can address. The practices of fast fashion are not only wasteful but detrimental to the earth. You can learn to shop sustainably and still be stylish. Whether you choose to buy items secondhand, renting clothes instead of buying or evaluate the brands that you support, there are plenty of ways to make improvements.

Rid Yourself of One-Time-Use

To increase your support for the planet, you must get rid of your one-time-use products. Reduce the waste you can produce, sustainable practices like reusable items and only buying items that are made of recycled materials can help you make the difference that you want to see in the world. You may be surprised at how many different items are made of recycled materials, including shoes, clothing, furniture, accessories and digital devices. Instead of contributing to the waste, you can find recycled alternatives and do your part.

Living sustainably and making greener choices can be one way that you can start improving the planet. You don¡¯t need to revolutionize the field of sustainability to make true change. If everyone does their part and starts turning their little changes into big ones, over time, the world can be a better and healthier place.