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Pollution review

by Shobha Pokhrel | 31-10-2020 15:14


Holdgate (1979) defined environment pollutionas the introductionby man into the environmentof substances or energy liable to cause interference with legitimate use of Environment .

 The undesirable change in the physical, chemical and biological aspects of the environment is termed as pollution .pollution causes harm to every life .


Types of pollution

Depending on the different types of polltuants that detorate the natural ingredients there are various types of pollution .the various types of pollution that are prevalent in our environment are :

       Air pollution

       Water pollution

       Land pollution

       Noise pollution

       Gene pollution

       Radioactive contamination

       Light pollution

       Thermal pollution


1.Air pollution

According to WHO ,air pollution is the presence of materials in air in such a concentration which are harmful to man and the environment .When the natural status of air gets deteriorate ,the environment also got disturbed .

There are lots of ways that causes air pollution .The major causes are :

       Emission of pollutants from power stations ,refiners ,petrochemicals ,the chemical and fertilizer industries

       Metalluragical and other industrial plants,municipal incineration

       Indoor area sources : domestic ,cleaning activities ,petrol stations  dry cleaners

       Mobile sources :automobiles ,cars ,railways and other types of vehicles

       Natural sources :forest fire ,volcanic eruption ,dust stroms ,agricultural burning

       Toxic metals such as lead ,CFCs ,etc

 Air pollution impacts on lifes of animals plants and the natural yhings

Effects of air pollution

       On human and animals

       Respiratory disorders such as Chronic obstruction Pulmonary Disease (COPD), pulmonary disease ,asthama,bronchiolitis and also lung cancer ,cardiovascular events , central nervous System disfunction and cutaneous disease

       Irritation in eye  , headache problem

       Dryness in mucos membrane

       On plants

       The higher exposure of plant in particulate ,the higher percentage of damage in plant organs .

       Leaf injury ,damage to stomata ,premature senescence and reduce photosynthetic activity

       Particulate deposition in leaf retard the synthesis of chlorophyll resultimg chlorosis ( seyyendnejad 2011)

       Change in leaf morphology ,anatomy or physiology ( seyyednejad 2011)

       Deteriorates ecological condition

       Tree trunk becomes dark ( Syyendnejad et. al 2011)


       On others

       Corrosion and tarnishing of metals ( buildings roofs )

Discoiouration and  peeling of paints


Control measures of air pollution

       By  use of energy efficient devices and CFl light bulbs, solar,  wind and geothermal energies

       Fuel substitution is another way of controlling air pollution .petrol, diseals  should be replaced by compressed natural gas (CNG)

       Minimizing fire and fire products

         Reduce emissions of smog and smoke from industries and factorires

       The last and the best alternative for air pollution is afforestation .


Water pollution

The deterotation in the phusical chemical ,physical or biological aspect of water in different sources such as pond ,lakes ,sea,river etc is called water pollution . British poet W.H.auden once noted ^thousands have lived without love but no one without water ^ .this shows how water is imporatant for life but day by day water is detorating .

 Causes of water pollution

       Discharge of domestic and industrial effulent waste

       Leakages from water tanks ,marine ,dumping sites

       Transboundry pollution

       Chemical ,heavy metal ions  from agricultural land ,industrial wastes, sewages ,drainages



Effects of water pollution

1.     On plants

       Pollution of water causes disturbances in the uptake of nutrient by the plants  ,also rushes essential nutrients

       Acid rain can damage tree bark and leaves and fine root hairs

       Disrupt photosynthesis in aquatic plants ( tropical rain forest-animals .com )

       Water pollution makes soil acidic and negatively affects the sulublity of nutrients .

       Sometimes causes explosion of new plants groeth

2.on animals and humans

       Health risk related to polluted water includes diseases like respiratory diorders ,cancers diarrhoeal diseases, neurological dis orders and cardio vascular disease

       Bacterial disease ,protozal disease , viral disease are rapidly transmitted by contaminated water .

       Blue baby syndrome in newly born baby is due to frtilizers from agricultural land to water

       Aquqtic life is in danger because of plastics .heavy toxic metal ions

Water pollution detrorates the senic beauty of any lakes ,ponds ,streans ,rivers ,oceans etc

 Control measures of water pollution

       Proper disposal of sewages ,drainage,toxic chemicals and  industrial wastes

       Use of phosphate free detergents and dish cleaner

       Reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in agricultural land

       Increasing emphasis in control technology


Land pollution

Land pollution refers to the degradation or destruction of tehe earths surface ans soil directly and indirectly as a result of human activities .

Causes of land pollution

a.acid rain , deforestation ,excessive use of chemical ferilizers ,oil and fuel dumping ,buried waste , drainage of contaminated surface water,domestic ,agriculture and industrial wastes disposal in land


Effects of land pollution

1.     On Plants

       Uptake of nutrients by plants gets disturbed

       Reduction in yield due to decrease in plant metabolism by toxic heavy metals

       Wilting of palnts


2.     On human and animals


  Soil microorganisms habitat destroyed

  Shift of animals from one place to another



               Control measures for land pollution 

       Cleanup (bioremediation and phyto remediation).

       Green agriculture

       Sustainable forest management

       Proper waste disposal

       The 3R¨srule and education

       Sustainable developmental activities



The propagation of noise with ranging impacts on the activity of human or animal or others is called noise pollution .


Causes of noise pollution

       High volume sound from factories, industries ,vehicles,loud music ,people yelling etc


Impacts of noise pollution

1.on plants


       noise pollution around an area cantake decades to grow from seedling to adults

       Retard growth pattern

2.on human and animals

       Causes Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL)

       High blood pressure ,stress,sleep disturbances

       Heart diseases

       Noise from ship and human activities in the ocean is harmful to whale and dolphins that depends on ecolocation to survive

Control measures for sound pollution

       Industries and factories should be far from the residental areas

       Sound absorbing plants around the road side

Controlling the level of volume during parties ,dances,singing


       Light pollution

The pollution of the light environment by the anthropogenic light is termed as light is caused by excessive lighting of street light, flood light in stadiums, light used in industrial areas etc

       Plastic pollution

The pollution caused by the accumulation of plastic in environment is called plastic pollution .most of the plastic waste generated in the world end up in the oceans where they cause great harm to the marine systems.


       Radioactive contamination

When radioactive substances are present in areas where their presence is undesirsble or unintended, it results a type of pollution called radioactive pollution,  radioactive substances triggres mutation in the genetic material of the living organisms , leading to different types of cancers .


       Thermal pollution

An induced change in the temperature of large volume of water causes thermal pollution . the flora and fauna living in the area that was earlier adopted to a particular temperature range can be killed by this abrupt change in the water temperature .


Genetic pollution:

The dispersal of contaminated altered genes from genetically engineered organisms to natural organisms especially by cross pollination is called genetic pollution. Mixing of genetic information is bad for the environment because it can lead to a variety of