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Why You Should Stop Buying From Cosmetics Companies That Test On Animals

by Jenn Lee | 29-10-2020 02:02

woman putting on makeup

Maybe you don't consider this when purchasing cosmetics. However, many familiar companies regularly test their products on animals. This is both cruel and unnecessary.

Why Companies Have Traditionally Tested On Animals

Cosmetics companies regularly test their products on animals for the sole reason that if a customer has a reaction to the product and sues them, they can say that the product was tested before it was distributed. Even if the product caused the animals to go blind or caused sores to break out all over their bodies, they often still market the product to humans.

If a consumer is injured by the product, the company will often settle out of court rather than go through a trial, which would give them a lot of negative publicity. When you think about it, the testing is for nothing. The innocent animals spend their entire lives in cages being regularly tortured, and then killed when the experiments are done. This is all just so a company can say they tested the product before they released it.

Often, humans don't even react to ingredients in the same way that animals do, so it really is just a big waste.

Why Companies Are Changing 

As humans evolve into more caring people, animal testing is going out of favor. Every day more companies that sell skincare products and makeup are added to the list of those that do not test on animals, like this company that sells fiber mascara and many other types of makeup.

More companies every day want nothing to do with animal testing and feel it has no value. Cosmetics and skincare manufacturers are starting to use natural ingredients. Not only are they better for skin than ingredients made in a lab, we all know their properties and they do not need to be tested.

How We Can Know That a Product is Really Cruelty Free

Cruelty free products have the Leaping Bunny Logo on them. The logo represents rabbits, who are very often experimented on, happily leaping. You should look for this symbol whenever you purchase a cosmetic. If you do not see the Leaping Bunny, you can assume that animals were treated cruelly at least at one stage of the product's manufacture.

You can trust that the Leaping Bunny is only awarded to companies after they are independently audited and that everyone in the product's supply chain complied with no animal testing. PETA, the animals rights organization, is also a watchdog group that is constantly checking on companies claiming to be cruelty free. If a company passes PETA's scrutiny, you can be sure that they are not lying about their practices.

What You Can Do

Now that you know what goes on in many industries, you will hopefully only purchase cruelty free items. You may not have realized before the amount of suffering that many common products cause. More people need to be aware of the situation and start supporting only products with the Leaping Bunny Logo. These products do not cost more and are also better for you because they are made entirely from time-tested, natural products. It is a good feeling to know that you did not cause another creature's suffering and death just because you wanted a particular lipstick or shampoo.

Natural, untested products also perform just as well, or better, than products filled with chemicals and irritants. If you wouldn't eat them, you shouldn't put these chemicals on your body. In particular, products that you apply on your face or near your lips and eyes, can make their way into your bloodstream.

Why would you potentially poison yourself with artificial or toxic ingredients when you can go the all natural route?

Please help make the world a better place by checking for the Leaping Bunny Logo and only buying items that have it. It is an easy thing to find quality cosmetic and skincare products that were not tested on animals. If you care at all, please do not contribute to the suffering.