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Monthly event: World Animal Day (Cattle)

by Asmita Gaire | 29-10-2020 23:29

My home although belongs to town side; the lifestyle however is totally like in countryside. People rare different kinds of animals. Goats, dogs, cats, cattles and buffaloes are frequently rared animals. I will be explaining here about cattles. Cattles in Nepal is regarded as a national animal. These animals are worshipped as mother. There's a festival called as "Gaipuja" where cattles are worshiped. Gai in Nepali language means cow in English. The cattles found in my hometown is of indigenous breed. Exotic breed is also rared in Nepal; but here I am sharing about indigenous breed. Their origin is in Nepal itself. They are called as local cow. These cow are small in size in comparison to exotic breed. Cattle lives for about average (15-20) years. One cattle gives birth to about (1-2) calves. These cattle are of different color from light red to brown color; from black to light orange color. There's a "Gaushala" where these local breeds are rared and preserved, since people have undergone commercialization due to which they prefer high yielding exotic breeds. With the Moto of preserving these local breed, Gaushala is conducted. The local breed cow has high adaptability in environment. Although, they yield low amount of milk; the quality of milk is supreme. These cattles are taken in jungle during day time for pastures, and in the evening time they are taken back to shed in Gaushala. While, people rearing cattle in home visit jungle and fields for grass, and they feed cut grass in the shed itself.

The cattle and people have a great history long back. With the civilization, the cattle and human relationship has so far been more attached. In the past, human used to take cattle to jungle for grazing. These people are called 'Gothalo' in Nepali language, and shepherd in English. Every cow knows their owner, and the affection of owner towards cow was also equally appreciative. In the past, there was no commercialization purpose. With time, the horizon and scope of cattle has changed. It's used for milk, meat, manure, excreta, religious, entertainment, and for several other purposes.

In Nepalese society, however beef farming is strictly banned. People who are found eating beef is also charged with punishment. Cattle is a holy animal in Nepalese culture, because of which Nepalese are very respectful towards cattle. They rare cattle primarily for milk, dung, and religious purpose. The fresh cow milk, dung and urine have huge religious and scientific importance in Nepalese community. Cow dung are also made into circle shape, and are dried. These dried cow dung also do have huge importance and use in Nepalese society. In the picture also, you can see the heap where dried cow dung are pasted. These heap/hill is worshipped and is called as "Govardan parbat" in Nepali.

Every religious occasion accompany cattle either directly or indirectly through their products use. I also personally love these animals and have huge respect towards these creatures.

Let's save all animals and show respect towards them.