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7 Types of Items for Lessening an Ecological Footprint

by Kari Oakley | 24-10-2020 09:16

In the modern age, environmental conservation has become a cornerstone of thoughtful living. The looming and already present effects of climate change are worrisome, to say the least. While most people don't have a say over widespread governmental actions, there are ways to help the environment as a regular individual. Everyone has an ecological footprint. This is simply the impact someone has on the earth, which is expressed by the amount of land one's resource usage and waste absorption takes up. Diminishing this footprint is vital for the environment. It may be difficult to change an entire lifestyle, but this is an important environmental contribution. For anyone going down this path, here are seven items for lessening an ecological footprint.

1. Reusable Bags

Plastic bags are a well-known scourge of environmentalism. The pictures of bags piled on beaches are disturbing, and the greater consequences are even worse. These bags are made from fossil fuels and are difficult to recycle. This causes the used products to become harmful to the environment. There is no way to get rid of the products cleanly. The items then infect soil and are sometimes consumed by unsuspecting animals. Therefore, any replacement for plastic bags goes a long way toward reducing an ecological footprint. Reusable bags have grown in popularity for this reason. Using burlap bags, for instance, greatly reduces the amount of plastic bags used on a daily basis.

2. Recycled Packaging

Packaging can cause a large amount of waste and environmental issues. Regular packaging, which is often made up of plastic, creates substantial landfill waste. Luckily, recyclable packaging has made great strides in the past few years. Biodegradable plastic allows for easy degradation, and the substance is often made from renewable sources. There are also more common forms of this packaging. Aluminum is excellent in this regard, as well as paper and some forms of plastic. Many companies have begun adopting this practice so as to create less waste. Anyone selling goods should consider this alternative.

3. Used Products

Re-using items is an excellent method for reducing one's global footprint. No earth needs to be expended as the products have already been created. Items such as clothes are often discarded due to style issues as opposed to breaking down. Therefore, the destruction of such an object is a waste of resources. A re-used product is kept out of a landfill and doesn't need to be destroyed. The resources needed to make what would act as a replacement are also saved. Shopping at thrift stores is one method for finding used items, particularly ones in good enough shape to be donated.

4. Car Alternatives

Cars may be exciting investments, but this method of transportation is extremely harmful to the environment. Multiple pollutants are released into the atmosphere when cars are driven, and the high amount of daily vehicle usage daily makes this worse. Therefore, a bike is a wise way to avoid pollution. Bikes release nothing harmful while acting as a reliable form of transportation. If the distance is too great, there are other options to consider. Car-pooling reduces the amount of cars used. Public transportation moves several passengers at once. If a personal car is necessary, and funds allow for it, an electric car can be used. Transportation creates a sizable global footprint, particularly in the U.S., so it's important to keep in mind.

5. Solar Panels

Energy may be the backbone of modern living, but in the U.S. it's reportedly the leading cause of greenhouse gas emissions. The fossil fuels involved with sources like oil use a large ecological footprint. Because of this, finding renewable energy sources has been a priority in the scientific community for years. One of the most promising options that's currently in use is solar panels. These panels soak up energy from the sun and translate it to electricity. Some overcrowded countries have even taken to creating islands for this purpose. While solar panels have a stigma of being too expensive, and not for a bad reason, the inventions are starting to become more accessible.

6. Water Filters

Similar to reusable bags, water filters are a helpful way to reduce plastic-based issues. Water is a necessity that is used every day. Since many households are in the habit of excessively using disposable bottles, mainly due to faulty tap water, the amount of plastic used daily is extreme. However, contaminated tap water doesn't have to force this solution. Instead, families can use water filters, which decontaminate tap water and make it safe to drink. One water filter is also far less expensive than endless plastic bottles. This item, along with a reusable water bottle, can greatly reduce a global footprint.

7. Energy-Efficient Household Items

Households are chock full of wasteful items. Anything from a toilet to a lightbulb could be made more energy-efficient. Plumbing is an important aspect of this. Water usage comprises a large amount of one's ecological footprint, so any non-drinking water should be cut down as much as possible. For instance, toilets can be given two different flush options - one for liquids and one for solids. Less water will be used to flush down the liquids. Also, low-flow shower heads allow for lessened waste during showers, particularly for those that have trouble taking short ones. Electrical items are important as well. For example, lightbulbs such as LED bulbs use less energy than others and, in some cases, last longer. In general, smart items will create a substantially energy-efficient home. These products can give certain functions a timeline or a level to stay at, thus preventing overuse.

Lessening an ecological footprint requires substantial dedication and hard work. It can't be done overnight. However, its benefits far outweigh any inconveniences. Besides, it's likely that a less wasteful lifestyle will be normal soon enough. The effects of environmental degradation are becoming too large to ignore, so worldwide action is likely to take place eventually. Current conservation efforts are therefore paving the way for a brighter future. Overall, considering one's ecological footprint is an important step in preserving the earth.