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by Adan Ojeda Villa | 22-10-2020 10:37

The main objective of World Animal Day is to recognize the importance of the different species that live on planet earth, as well as their conservation and protection. All animals are essential, from the smallest to the largest, so that everything on the planet works properly.

In the city where I live, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico, there is a very peculiar species that walks everywhere, it is so common to see them as birds while you walk through the streets and observe the sky, or like butterflies in the gardens in the months of August to December.
The green iguana (Iguana iguana) is a reptile belonging to the Iguanidae family, this is a species classified as Subject to Special Protection by the Official Mexican Standard NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010 (SEMARNAT, nd), although this species has a wide distribution and abundance, it is protected due to the decrease of its population due to factors such as illegal hunting, pet trade and destruction and reduction of its habitat. It inhabits tropical and subtropical forests from northern Mexico to southwestern Brazil. This reptile is characterized by its bright green color, although it can also be blue-gray, it is arboreal and herbivorous, it prefers the heights of vegetation and is territorial, and it reproduces through eggs (Rodda, n.d.)
When I came to live in Puerto Vallarta I observed that you could find the green iguana in many places, in the university where I study they are abundant and it is really beautiful to see them, I began to analyze them a little when they looked for them while I was walking near the lake where they usually are and I realized that some of them run as soon as they notice your presence but some others stay there, immobile, I think they have developed a new behavior in which they have adapted a little to the presence of people constantly and since we do not disturb them then they know that maybe we won't hurt them. This species is territorial, so it needs a suitable environment, factors such as the presence of humans in its habitat, as well as loud noises, can significantly alter its behavior, which is why different conservation programs have been created to protect the species (Hernández-Mendoza and Vázquez-López, 2020).
It is important that we have respect for all the animals in the world, we are not superior to any, we are all part of the same planet and we must learn to live with each of them, knowledge through environmental education is important to learn more about of them and what actions we can take to carry out a harmonious relationship with all the species of the world. We must avoid disturbing them with our inappropriate behavior towards them, not be part of the illegal traffic of exotic species to be domesticated as pets, respect their natural habitat and if any are in danger, it is our duty to inform the corresponding wildlife protection authorities. Together we can stop the loss of wildlife in the world.

Cited Bibliography

ADDIN Mendeley Bibliography CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Hernández-Mendoza, M. D. C., & Vázquez-López, H. (2020). COMPORTAMIENTO DE IGUANA VERDE (IGUANA IGUANA) LINNAEUS, 1758 EN LA UMA REPTILARIO CIPACTLI, PUERTO VALLARTA, JALISCO, MÉXICO. BIOCYT Biología Ciencia y Tecnología, 9(33–36).

Rodda, G. H. (n.d.). The Mating Behavior of Iguana iguana m I SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO ZOOLOGY • NUMBER 534.

SEMARNAT. (n.d.). Retrieved October 21, 2020, from