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by Amama Ira Amalia Priyono | 11-10-2020 01:24




Reported by: Amama Ira Amalia Priyono


I will review a USA production movie entitled "The Day After Tomorrow". Previously, I was looking for a movie that was suitable for me to explain and became the subject of this report. This movie is a movie produced in 2004 which tells the story of climate change and extreme weather caused by Global Warming. The 2004 American movie tells the journey of Jack Hall (Dennis Quaid), who goes on an expedition with two of his colleagues to Antarctica. Jack revealed his findings, namely that Global Warming changed the earth's climate into an Ice Age that occurred ten thousand years ago.

Jack Hall (Dennis Quaid) is a paleo climatologist who carried out expeditions in Antarctica. Jack undertook the expedition with two of his colleagues, Frank (Jay O. Sanders) and Jason (Dash Mihok). They drilled the Larsen Ice Shelf in search of ice core samples supplied to NOAA. Then, Jack presented his findings on Global Warming at the UN conference in New Delhi. Jack discovered that 10,000 years ago, Global Warming turned Earth's climate into an Ice Age. He said it could happen again 100 to 1,000 years from now. It happened when humans didn't stop polluting the atmosphere. However, most diplomats, including the Vice President of the United States (Kenneth Welsh), are not sure about Jack's theory.

This movie provides an overview of the disasters that will occur if the earth continues to experience Global Warming. Global Warming is a process of increasing the average temperature of the Earth's atmosphere, sea and land and in this movie Global Warming has two effects on the world, the first is that the mountains at the poles will melt and can also change the climate significantly. Global Warming is caused by various human activities such as:

1.    1. Greenhouse gas emissions and fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are also a cause of soil pollution, for example due to oil spills around drilling wells. With the start of the industrial revolution in 1700's, humans started to pollute the air uncontrollably by using fossil fuels, coal, oil, gas to run cars, trucks, factories. However, this does not mean that the greenhouse effect always has a negative impact on the earth. In general, the greenhouse effect is a good thing and is needed for living things on earth. Without greenhouse gases, the temperature on Earth would be too cold to make it impossible to live in. It doesn't even support life. However, if it is in excess, greenhouse gases will cause the earth to overheat. Exceeding the survival threshold of humans and various species.

2.  2. Methane gas especially by livestock. Cattle farming produces more methane than the oil industry. About 20 percent of US methane emissions are produced by belching and farting livestock.

3.       Currently, there is more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere than in the past 800,000 years. Although America only has 4 percent of the world's population, it produces 25 percent of the carbon dioxide pollution caused by burning fossil fuels. This is by far the largest of any country.

4.      3. Global climate change is having observable impacts on the environment. Glaciers are melting, ice in rivers and lakes is melting faster than in the previous period. The distribution of plants and animals changes compared to historical data. In fact, some trees flower early.

5.    4. Heat waves increase the human risk of developing heat-related diseases. Most occur in people with diabetes who are very old or very young.

6.    5. According to historical records, 2014 was the hottest year in the world. Exceeds the previous record set in 2010. The NASA team of scientists said the 2014 average temperature was 14.68 degrees Celsius, or 1.22 degrees above the 20th century average.

7.   6. Global Warming is often associated with hot temperatures but can also cause the opposite. On the one hand, the Amazon rainforest can turn into a desert. Meanwhile, the Sahara (Arab) desert is becoming greener, environmentally friendly. According to the Plant a Tree Today (PATT) Foundation of the UK and Thailand.

We must reduce activities that cause Global Warming by switching to environmentally friendly technologies. Seek and take alternative steps to reduce environmental damage due to Global Warming and repair environmental damage from Global Warming that has occurred before. If the same activity is carried out for days, it is certainly that the earth will be damaged. The movie that I explain is an example of an overview of the disaster that can occur if Global Warming continues. Global Warming can make an impact of disasters or climate change which never imagined before.


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