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Visit to the Tortuguero camp

by Adan Ojeda Villa | 08-10-2020 14:08

During the month of september i did my first activity as Eco-Ambassador Tunza at the Tortuguero camp at ''playa del Holly'' at Puerto Vallarta Jalisco Mexico.

The main objective of the activity was to know the Current State of Conservation of marine turtles in Mexico, and what the different groups and Tortugueros Camps do to protect them, and through environmental education to create awareness in society about the importance of conserving and maintaining the balance between sea turtle populations. These species are protected by the Official Mexican Standard NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010[1] because they are threatened or in danger of extinction, this because of poachers, overfishing, alteration of their habitat and pollution, both in seas and in beaches, factors that over time have had a direct impact on the decline of their populations[2]. For these reasons it is important to have conservation programs, and volunteers who actively participate in the protection of these species, in addition to the provision of citizens to learn about and learn about the wildlife and natural resources that the region offers in order to raise awareness, and in this way carry out actions so basic that correspond to each of us such as the correct management of solid waste.

A call was launched for society to join this initiative, taking into account the necessary measures implemented by the authorities in the face of the current coronavirus pandemic, for which it was done with a small group, even though the response was greater due to the people and unfortunately we couldn't accept all the volunteers. About 40 people participated, who went to the Tortuguero camp during the sunset. This activity was carried out in conjunction with the camp manager, Biologist Alberto Jaime, with whom he gave an informative talk addressing the aforementioned topics.

Two activities were carried out during the day, the first consisted in the release of around 3,000 olive ridley turtles (Lepidochelys olivacea), this is the most abundant species in the port, but it is also threatened. After 7 to 15 years, the young that managed to survive will return to the beach where they were born to start a new life cycle. This species has a distribution that ranges from southern California to the northern part of Chile. Then a night surveillance was carried out as part of the day's activities, where the group of volunteers participated from 10 pm to 6 am. During the night, tours were made to ensure that the turtles that come to spawn do so without any threat. These species come to spawn every summer at the port. This act lasts approximately 1 hour, and they lay an average between 80 and 120 eggs, and the hatchlings hatch after 50 days[5]. Once the turtles finish spawning and return to the sea, the eggs are removed from the nest and taken to the camp where they are deposited in artificial nests inside the corral, with a space of 4 ft of distance between each nest, this is done to avoid the clandestine extraction of the eggs for their trade or that the visitors to the beach alter the nests when they find them In this way, the conservation of the species is guaranteed. The Tortuguero camp at Holly beach has a hatching success rate of 94% according to the last season's figures.
Afterwards, the nests were cleaned, where the turtle product was removed and divided into three parameters: Dead Turtle (DT) Undeveloped Egg (UE) and Dead Inside the Egg (DIE), this to obtain statistical data that serve for monitoring and studies carried out each season.
Both activities were broadcast live through social networks to reach more people and be able to stay informed, as well as for people who were unable to attend due to the current pandemic.
It is incredible all the work done by the different Tortugueros camps, conservation groups and volunteers throughout the Mexican Pacific in conjunction with experts on the subject. The objective of this activity was achieved, and it was a success, I was so excited to see families who attended even with children and listened to the talk I gave with the camp manager, in addition to carrying out the activities. Environmental education is vital throughout the world, in this way it is informed and made known about the different environmental problems, I hope I have sown the seeds of interest in caring for and conserving wild species in the participants and thus being able to stop the loss of biodiversity which is one of the main environmental problems worldwide. It is necessary to continue implementing laws that protect wildlife, as well as the implementation of actions that contribute to conservation.
I thank all the volunteers who participated in the activities of the month, I hope they continue to actively add to more green initiatives. Thanks to the Biologist José Alberto Jaime for collaborating in this first project and to the media that were interested in disseminating the activity and thanks to this being able to have a greater reach of people.
Consulted bibliography
[1] Norma Oficial Mexicana NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010, Protección ambiental-Especies nativas de México de Fauna y flora silvestres-Categorías de riesgo y especificaciones para la inclusión, exclusión o cambio-Lista en riesgo. Published 2010. Accesed Octuber 6,2020. 
[2] Malformaciones en embriones y neonatos de tortuga golfina (Leopidochelys olivacea) en Nuevo Vallarta, Nayarit, México. Accessed September 22, 2020
[3] René Márquez M.Aristóteles Villanueva O., Cuauhtémoc Peñaflores S., Daniel Ríos O. Situacion actual y recomendaciones para el manejo de las tortugas marinas de la Costa Occidental Mexicana, en especi al la tortuga golfina (lepidochelys olivacea). Accessed October 6, 2020