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Ecosystem Changes Due To Climate Change In Ghana - [Thematic Report]

by Justice Obiri | 21-09-2020 11:02

Ecosystem Changes Due To Climate Change In Ghana

Climate change can be defined as a change in the climate pattern of a specific area. Now, taking my country Ghana into consideration, I would say that it has been one of the most affected by climate change.

I started observing Ghana¡¯s climate from 2018 and the changes I have observed are very astonishing and worrying. First of all the normal monsoon season observed between early December and late February has gradually changed. This year 2020, I was a bit worried because I was just thinking ¡°When is the monsoon winds coming?¡± December passed and it showed no sign of coming, early January same story but late January something funny happened. It was observed that the weather would be very cold but no monsoon winds could be seen. Bathing in the morning was a hell because one could literally see himself freezing whiles bathing J

At last it showed up and lasted for about two to three weeks before leaving. It was the most intense monsoon I had ever seen. It was reported that a cargo plane crashed whiles trying to land at Kotoka International airport in Ghana during this said period, even though no casualties were recorded this clearly speaks of the impact of this massive climate change.

Secondly the raining season of the country has been altered and this makes it very difficult for farmers who usually rely on the rain to cultivate their lands. A farmer plans to cultivate maize in August because he knows it would rain for the crops to grow. August comes and the rain does not show up, he gives up and the next moment it is raining. These have been our woes down here.

Bush fire is something I rarely write about it but I know it is a major problem that worries a lot of countries around the whole world. This is the situation where excessive heat over an area causes the bushes to set on fire and burn for days. I have never heard of anything as such in Ghana ever since I was born but it is worth mentioning because indeed it is another effect of climate change of an ecosystem.

With all these said, simply practicing safe environmental friendly activities such as ¡°Keep the trash till you find a bin¡±, ¡°Zero waste or Zero plastic usage¡±, ¡°Usage of biodegradable materials¡± and many more could help bring an end to these effects of climate change we are facing now.

Green Cheers from Ghana!