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Free Report: World Ozone Day 2020

by Sandhya Adhikari | 16-09-2020 23:59

Every year World Ozone day is celebrated  on 16th September. This day marks the importance and role of the ozone layer in the environment. On December 19, 1994 the United General Assembly designated September 16 as the international day for the preservation of the ozone layer. The date was selected for commemorating the same date in 1987 when 45 different countries has signed on the United Nation the Montreal protocol on the chemicals and substances that depletes the ozone layer. This Montreal protocol aims to preserve the ozone shield by minimizing the production of substances and chemicals responsible for the ozone holing. What the recent study has presented that Ozone Hole is slowly recovering in Antarctica after the release of this protocol.

Ozone is a trioxygen inorganic molecules having pungent smell and is of pale blue colour. The formula for Ozone is 03 meaning trioxygen. This molecules combines and form the protective layer around the earth which means the ozone Shield is a region of Earth¡¯s stratosphere that contains a high concentration of Ozone in relation to other part of the atmosphere. Ozone layer comprises less than 10 parts per million of ozone gas. Ozone absorbs 97-99% of the harmful UV rays which is very harmful and dangerous that would severely deter life on the Earth. According to atmospheric research in 1976, suggested that ozone layer was being depleted by various chemicals released by industry, refrigerators and air conditioners mainly Chlorofluorocarbons, Hydro fluorocarbons. The increased concentration of UV radiation due to Ozone Depletion threatened life on Earth including major abnormalities skin cancer in humans as well as other ecological problems.

This year the theme for the World Ozone Day 2020 is ¡°Ozone for Life: 35 years of Ozone layer protection¡± which reminds us that a collective decision and action guided sciences is the way to solve the major global problem as ozone layer is extremely important to sustain life on earth and we must continue for the protection of the Ozone layer for our future generation by adopting eco friendly approaches such as buying aerosol products that do not use HCFs and CFCs as propellants, encouraging afforestation, recycling etc


So  lets work together to save ozone layer, our earth and our life. I had celebrated this ozone day with a slogan and released podcast episode on title World Ozone Day in order to make people aware about the burning global situation, i will be hosting podcast series in each month with different topics as an ambassador resolution plan to spread environmental literacy. You may find my podcast on the link below