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[Monthly topic] "Ecosystem changes due to climate change

by Diana Gamazova | 15-09-2020 17:26

"What is the impact of global warming on the climate of Kazakhstan?" 

From year to year, the environmental situation around the globe is getting worse, and the number of man-made accidents is increasing. Increasingly, analysts are talking about the impact of climate change on human health. These global changes are also felt in Kazakhstan. Therefore, today each of us is concerned with questions: how to prepare for the unexpected surprises of nature, how to maintain your health in these conditions, and what is being done in society in connection with the ongoing changes in the environment?

According to research by scientists, since 1980, the average temperature on the globe has risen by 0.8 C. And, if you touch deeper, 19 of the 20 climate changes occur since 1980. Despite some differences of opinion among scientists about climate change, they all agree on one thing: it does not lead to anything good and will not lead. For example, according to analysts, the floods that occurred from 1980 to 2011, caused damage to the economy of the population of the European Union in the amount of 90 billion euros. In this regard, the question of drawing the attention of the world community to scientific research in the field of climate change, especially natural and climatic changes that are closely related to agriculture, ensuring food security, is increasingly raised. And this topic is more important than ever, first of all, for our state, where agriculture and animal husbandry are widely developed.

If we focus on the climate of Kazakhstan, we can note that over the past 10 years, the country has seen a gradual increase in air temperature. And, according to scientists ' forecasts, the air temperature will continue to rise in the next ten years. At the same time, the so-called "magnetic" days have become more frequent in recent years. That is, for several days in a row, the air has a fairly high temperature. An increase in such hot days was observed this year. So, in the context of one month, it was possible to notice unbearable heat during the day and sharp cold at night.

To this we add extreme natural phenomena, or-floods and torrential rains, leading to mudflows and landslides. These and other natural phenomena have a negative impact on climate change, as well as on human health and life. According to research by scientists, an increase in air temperature per day by 1 degree in the month of June leads to an increase in cerebrovascular diseases, that is, to brain diseases. In medical terms, there is a violation of the blood pressure of the brain, which leads to pathological changes in the cerebral blood veins. And the death rate from this type of disease is in second place after coronary heart disease. At the same time, climate changes have a negative impact on air and water, which are vital for the human body and its health. For example, climate change can lead to a shortage of drinking water. The reduction of water resources, in turn, will lead to an imbalance in agriculture, which will undoubtedly affect the health and life of the entire population.

According to the European Union, only one person a year emits 5 tons of waste into the environment. The release of a large amount of carbon dioxide into the air is also associated, first of all, with the constant use of oil and coal products by mankind. For example, in Kazakhstan alone, 87 million tons of oil is consumed to produce electricity. Unfortunately, monopoly countries are in no hurry to switch to alternative energy sources. And developing countries have limited economic and financial resources to make the transition. According to the documents of the statistics Committee, the volume of environmental taxation in Kazakhstan for 2010-2016 increased from 82.6 million tenge to 119.80 million tenge. Of these, deductions for environmental pollution increased from 47 million to 59 million tenge, and expenses for environmental protection increased from 16.7 million tenge to 152.2 million tenge. All this gives the impression that all environmental taxes are spent on protecting the environment.

While, according to experts, the situation here is quite different. And this issue was comprehensively considered at a round table organized by the Association of environmental organizations of Kazakhstan, the Konrada Adenauera Foundation together with the mayor's office of Almaty, on the topic: "Discussion of problems related to improving the environment in Almaty". As the Chairman of the Board Of the Association "Environmental organizations of Kazakhstan" Aigul Solovyova noted, there are more words than concrete actions in the issue of improving the environment. Local Executive bodies do not take the initiative to conduct joint work and establish cooperation with public organizations. And this applies not only to the city of Almaty, but also to the surrounding regions.

It should be noted that a number of state programs are also being implemented in Kazakhstan today. In particular, the program to combat desertification and the program for greening regions "Development of regions", which is given special attention. Amendments are being introduced to the program for providing the population with safe drinking water "Akbulak"("Clean source"). At the same time, a program for the development of villages and a long-term strategy for the transition to a "green economy"are being prepared. All these programs define measures to prevent problems related to climate change.

It should be noted that the climate of Kazakhstan has ceased to be stable. For comparison, in winter the air temperature reaches minus 40 degrees, and in summer-plus 40 degrees. This, of course, can not but affect human health. Currently, air pollution in the Almaty region is at a high level. And the city of Almaty has a great influence in this. The metropolis is located in a depression, and therefore the movement of clean air is difficult. In addition, the markets located inside the city and its vicinity are filled with garbage and household waste. In this regard, the question arises about the need for garbage collection, its processing and beneficial use. To do this, of course, it is necessary to build solid waste processing plants using foreign experience.

According to Vera Mustafina, Executive Director of the Kazakhstan Association for waste management "KazWaste", today only the city of Almaty is 100% provided with a solid waste collection and removal service. Thus, climate change in the region is directly related to environmental pollution in large cities, the lack of proper attention to the problem of household waste and the cleaning of rivers and lakes from garbage. In the world there is the city of Mexico with 20 million people, the cities of Tehran, Shanghai, new York, Los Angeles, London, Istanbul, Tokyo and Moscow with 17 million people. And it is difficult to compare the small city of Almaty with them. However, there are fewer environmental problems in large Metropolitan areas. For example, in the mid-90s, the Suzhou river, which flows through Shanghai, turned into a dead river, and the head of the city called it "the disaster of Shanghai". Citizens only in one day threw out 10 thousand tons of waste into the environment. Later, Shanghai became one of the cleanest cities in the world. And if Kazakhstan's cities take this as an example, the leadership of such environmentally disadvantaged cities as Almaty, Ust-Kamenogorsk, and Karaganda would prevent a number of problems that arise from this.

The clean cities of the world include cities located in Europe. Here, much attention is paid to the requests and wishes of residents. For example, in the German city of Frankfurt, located near the river main, the air is comparable to pure mountain air. There are also ecological streets where trees and flowers are planted instead of stones and turned into large alleys. At the request of citizens, other streets are also turned into "ecological" ones. We can't clear the Yesentai river that flows through the city of Almaty. We can't solve the problem with processing solid household waste that is exported daily. And more and more people are concerned about the millions of tons of waste collected in landfills. The toxic gas released here not only poisons the environment, but also increases the amount of carbon dioxide, and also affects climate change. All this creates a threat to the localities located in the vicinity of Almaty.

Experts believe that one of the ways to solve this problem is to activate the activities of public organizations. Because, according to many, the problem is not in the absence of ministries and agencies to organize work in the field of environmental protection, but in weak control over the implementation of legislation. Not only ordinary people, but also organizations and institutions in the field of ecology do not always understand their duties and responsibilities. Seeing illegal and other actions in relation to nature pollution, do not show activity on their warnings and prevention. Therefore, every year the number of natural emergencies increases and their complexity increases.
                                                                                                                        Thus, no matter what you say, climate change has become one of the most pressing problems today. And it affects not only the environment, but also the socio-economic situation, health and other spheres of life of the country. Therefore, it is necessary to start preventing this phenomenon earlier. This requires a transition to a"green economy". At the moment, countries such as Germany and South Korea are showing good results in this direction. In this regard, Kazakhstan is forced to resort to the examples of advanced countries of the world. An important step in the transition to a" green economy " is to work on the recycling of garbage, industrial and household waste and their secondary use, on wind energy and energy savings. Work in these areas has begun, and we will discuss this in the next article.