Research defended on alternatives of pesticidesby Kushal Naharki | 15-09-2020 23:26 |
I have successfully defended my bachelor thesis during the seventh sympoium on undergraduate praticum assessment. My research was focused on studing about the locally available options to pesticides. Conducting a research on horticulture and plant protection deaprtment was a great experience anf relating it with my topic of interest of environmental protection added a boost on my research Statment of Probem of Research Different insecticides are used for mangement of insect they cause environmental and health hazards they also resukt in resustancy and pest resurgence Rational of Study differet plant extracts are available which can replace insecticdes locally they are eco friendly and less haradious Objective of my research to study the eco friendly and local options for insect management My research was focused using black bean aphid where i studied about different ecofriendly methods for its management in the entomology lab of lamjung campus.I would like to thank all the supporting hands who helped me during the research. A day of happiness and achievement ¢¾️ Sincere thanks to our major advisor respected Assistant Professor Mr. Kapil Kafle who has always been our role model, for the continuous motivation , guidance and support . |