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Day 16, SDG:16, People, Justice and Strong institutions

by Asmita Gaire | 22-08-2020 00:31

Sustainable Development Goals: Targets, Achievements, Strategies and Future Strategies in context of Nepal

Sustainable Development Goals 16
People, justice and Strong institutions

This goal comes under Equity of Sustainable Development Goals. I will be addressing about promoting peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development.

The three targets for this goal are:
1. Significantly reduce all the forms of violence and related death rates everywhere.
The indicators would be:
- Number of victims of intentional homicide nper 100,000 population by sex and age and conflict related deaths per 100,000 population by sex, age and cause
- Proportion of population subjected to physicial, psychological or sexual violence in the previous 12 months

2. Substantially reduce corruption and bribery
- Proportion of persons who had at least one contact with a public official and who paid a bribe to a public official, or were asked for a bribe by those public officials during the previous 12 months
- Proportion of business that has at least one contact with a public official and that paid a bribe to a public official, or were asked for bribe by those public official during the previous 12 months.

3. Ensure responsive, inclusive participatory and representative decision making at all level.
- Proportion of positions by sex, age, persons with disabilities, and population groups) in public institutions (national and local legislatures, public service, and judiciary) compared to national distributions.

The strengths for this goal are:
1. Maintenance of peace and justice without which every sector cannot uplift
2. Promotes decentralization and equality of government policies which eventually increase Harmony and development in the society
3. Inclusion of the people in different institutions helps to address the problems and provide concrete recommendations for action.

The weakness for this goal are:
1. Ambitious plan without any change in the working policy of the government and authorities.
2. It has not mentioned about national identity i.e. citizenship only focused on legal identity.
3. There is so much misinformation and hatred in this society, the prospect of eliminating total violence and homicides without solving the underlying human psychology band social structure is just impossible.

So, what do you think; is this goals achievable?
Though few improvements are seen. Increasing news in socal media, increasing aggression and today's life style and rooted cultural beliefs makes it quite difficult to achieve this goal, and below data shows most of violence that is increasing:
Witch craft
Domestic violence
Acid attack
Attempt to rape

These are the very brutal inhuman act thats hinder the existence of normal human, and create war, injustice and violence in the society. This is not only the case of one or two country, but these kinds of taboos is worldwide. The form of violence may be different to different countries, but it certainly happens in every countries. This is very vulnerable. In context of Nepal, government of Nepal has made provision of national inclusive commission in part 27 of constitution of Nepal 2072 BS.
For this, a person must think of himself/herself, and must make an initiative and must get inclined to make positive change in them to end all form if injustice, all form of violence. Then, only a ray of hope to achieve this goal will shine.