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Free Report - Save Electricity

by Sainath Manikandan | 17-08-2020 15:40

We need to try and save electricity by using it only when required and switching the electrical appliances, lights, fans and AC off when not in use.

Sunlight or Natural Light

We need to utilize the sunlight during the daytime and try to switch off the lights, as it not only saves energy but also the expenses.

Repair or replace old electronic appliances

We must make it a habit to replace old and inefficient appliances with the latest models available so that we can conserve electricity. Appliances such as refrigerators and dryers are big consumes of electricity. Therefore, we need to check for their efficiency and replace them.

Unplug electrical gadgets

Gadgets such as printers and gaming systems consumes energy even when they are left inactive. This actually contributes to 10% of energy consumption. We can try to use a power strip with a switch to turn off the numerous devices at one stretch.

Water heater

Make sure to reset the hot water heater according to your needs. Covering the heater with an insulating blanket will also help in significant energy saving. They need to be inspected for leakage.

Install a digital thermostat

Installing a digital thermostat ensures electricity efficiency. We can reset the temperatures when not required to save electricity.

Seal and insulate ducts

We need to make it a point to regularly repair air filters to ensure that air moves through the ducts freely. We also need to seal and insulate them to avoid leakage.

Solar Panel

Install solar panels in your house. The greatest way to conserve electricity is to install solar panels.

TV viewing time

Kids tend to watch TV for a long duration. This might sometimes lead to the TV being on for the entire day. We need to keep a check on that to save energy.

Incandescent light

Switch over to conventional incandescent lights that will convert just about 10% of the energy they consume into light. We can also try to switch over to LEDs and compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) and minimize the energy required for lighting by 50%.

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