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Continuing Onward [Thematic Report]

by Theodore Bechlivanis | 16-08-2020 20:06

Hi everyone! I hope you¡¯re all staying safe and enjoying the last stretch of summer. This has been a fulfilling term, full of good work and collaborations. At the same time, it¡¯s been a time of turmoil, as the convergence of the COVID-19 pandemic with other political and socioeconomic issues gave us constant and ample fodder for articles and reports.

Now that the 24th term is over, it¡¯s time for all of us to evaluate what part we have played in advocating for the environment and the many groups of people who are at risk due to the effects of climate change and biodiversity loss. It is also an excellent opportunity to start thinking about what actions – individual or organized – we will take in the future to mitigate, shield, and heal in the face of constant environmental adversity.

My plans for the time being include continuing my studies in chemical engineering with my existing focus on environmental engineering and science further amplified. These are unprecedented times for academia, but tertiary education is always the first to adapt to newfound circumstances: that is, and has always been, the cornerstone of science. I hope to continue learning about the environment, understanding how we as humans affect it, and studying ways of minimizing our impact on the planet without compromising the dignified survival, cultural progress, and technological advancements of our society.

At the same time, I understand – and have discussed as much in the vast majority of my articles – that sustainability is equally an issue of how we manage our activities and how equitable our communities are. Should the COVID-19 pandemic allow it, I would like to return to doing activist work within the next year. Greece has always been a country where advocacy for marginalized groups is central, and as much as I have learned by being an activist and volunteer in the past, I recognize there is endless potential to learn, and to contribute to establishing a fairer, more socially cohesive community around me.

Lastly, once the pandemic is over and we are able to travel safely, I would like to extend my environmental journalism activities to covering the sustainability issues and realities of other countries. Traveling has always been a passion for me, and there would be no greater excitement than to combine it with coverage and gaining a deeper understanding of how different cultures are being impacted by climate change. That being said, this is a plan that might need to be postponed for a long time.

I hope the rest of the Ambassadors had as great a time during this term as I did, and will continue the good work in or outside of the Eco-generation website. I will personally be applying for the 25th Ambassadorship term as well, and will be trying to expand my journalist activities and experiences to new frontiers.

Green cheers!

Theodore Bechlivanis,

Ambassador for Greece