[Free report] Wild Herbivores and Threat in conservationby Bal krishna Pandey | 07-08-2020 19:57 |
This report provides a brief overview of the major large wildlife herbivores habitats in Nepal, the challenges to conservation and the initiatives being taken to save them. Asian Elephant: Habitat: grasslands, riverine forest, mixed hardwood forest and agricultural areas. • Habitat degradation and loss of corridor connectivity • Habitat shrinkage outside protected areas. • Human-wildlife conflict. • Potential risk of disease (Tuberculosis). Rhino Habitat: Tall floodplain grasslands and swampy areas, bordered by riverine woodlands sometimes extending to drier Sal or Terminamlia forests. • Poaching for trade in body parts mainly horn. • Habitat degradation due to invasive plant species including Mikaniamicranthaand Lantana camara(grassland and riverineforests), Chromolaenaodorata(Sal forests), Eichhorniaand Pistiastratiotes(lakes and river systems). • Habitat Loss as a result of clearing for agriculture and livestock grazing and human encroachment. • Human-wildifeconflict Wild Water Buffalo: Habitat: Availability of water, and prefer low-lying alluvial grasslands and riparian forests and woodlands. Main Threats ¡¤ Inbreeding ¡¤ Natural disasters (for example, flooding causes widespread habitat degradation and sweeps away individuals). • Human-wildlife conflict. • Food competition with domestic livestock. • Hunting for subsistence. • Disease transmission. • Habitat degradation (including invasive plant species). • Hybridization with domestic and/or feral buffalo. Conservation Efforts: Natural resources conservation Sustainable livelihood program Conservation education Climate Change Elephant TB surveillance & healthcare Species conservation and breeding support Human wildlife conflict management Anti-poaching support National capacity building References: |