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Silent Spring written by Rachel Carson

by Shruti Shrestha | 02-08-2020 16:49

I read Silent Spring written by Rachel Carson. This book is the Milestone on the sustainable development,  social mobilization and community development. It gives the message that is as relevant today as it was back in 1960¡¯s. This book was released in 1962 which focuses on the negative effects of the chemical pesticides.

Three lesson I learnt about the use of pesticides and environmental protection from this book are

 - the use of pesticides doesn't destroy only the particular crop but also it targets the whole ecosystem as the using of the pesticides, it moves into the water and indirectly it comes to our Food Chain and from there it effect all the species as that Chemicals is indirectly stored in the body.For example DDT was used in the US Forest for combating the spruce budworm in 1956 ,spread over 885,000 acres of Woodland and that resulted in the Killing of  the natural Predator of spider mite as a result the spider mite became the worldwide pest. Therefore, the pesticide doesn't  kill the target pest only.

 - DDT when it is used in the field while growing crops it harm us though we are not directly expose to it. It goes into our Food Chain and it affects all the species. Experiment has shown that even  five particles/ million may cause the liver cell to disintegrate.

-to prevent the harmful effects of pesticides, we need more education and other environment friendly ways to preserve our crops just like mass-steriliization of the pest or introducing specific parasites and predators.

 This silent spring book is considered as the book that it started Global Grass root environmental movement and it has explained about environment  with the boldness and simplicity that it still inspire activist all around the world today.