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The Unintended Effect of Covid 19 on the Environment

by Keitaro Hanzawa | 02-08-2020 01:17

With Cities under lock down as a direct response to the surging number of Covid cases, there have been unintended side effects on the environment. In different news sources there have been reports of the positive aspect of Covid on the environment, whether it be the decrease in Co2 due to the lack of people travelling or the reemergence of animals in their natural habitats. Overall public perception points towards the pandemic, though causing catastrophic and potentially irreversible damage to humanity, being good for the environment simple because of the lack of negative human interaction with the environment. This is a valid point. However, its imperative to be aware of the other side: the negative effects that Covid 19 has brought upon our environmental climate. Therefore, this thematic report is to further understand and outline the benefits and detriments Covid 19 has introduced through the environmental lens. 
*To be clear I am not promoting the Covid-19 and the impact of the virus as a whole 

The Clear Benefits:

Co2 Emissions have decreased. This is an indisputable fact. Lockdowns mean the residents have to stay confined in their home. Less people on the road, in the sea, and in the air, means that less carbon emissions are released into the air, and thus a decrease in air pollution during this period of lockdowns. Similarly, another large contributor to carbon emissions has also taken a step back during this time: the industry sector(factories etc) As more factories are forced to shut down as a result of government directives, an increase in covid cases within the staff, or a whole myriad of factors, a decrease in carbon emissions have followed suit. The evidence is clear when you look at the AQI or the Air quality index which assesses the quality of air.  For example, in India the 90% of all cities have reported an improvement in the AQI as a result of the lockdown and the lack of human Co2 production. Furthermore, visually, citizens have reported that the sky was far more cleaner prior to the pandemic. In all different avenues the argument could be made that Co2 Emission production have decreased, a very good thing for our fight against climate change. 

The Reemergence of Wildlife is also another key detail cited by news sources as being a positive effect of the city-wide lockdowns.  Less humans interacting with nature means that wildlife living in that habitat are free to roam once more without the fear of human interfering or harming them. Evidence of this can be seen worldwide where animals are being seen in relatively unique places. Though many animals could be used as concrete examples, the reemergence of dolphins was quite surprising. In many areas around the world dolphins have been seen closer to ports and coasts than ever before in places like Venice and Bosphorus. The reason for dolphins not being seen in waters like these is because of the boats and the fishing anglers. This is seen as a positive effect as it gives nature an opportunity to "restart" the ability to recuperate their losses after being continuously limited in their freedom by humans. However, this will be temporary as more people are allowed to return to daily-life, pushing dolphins and other wildlife back into deeper waters/environment. 


One under-looked issue is the prevalence of one-time-use masks. Face masks have become an almost universal symbol of the corona virus, and with that, has become a staple part of everyone's lives. When you leave the house its always advisable to wear a mask in order to prevent person to person transmission. These masks were created in short notice to satisfy the incredible surge of demand for surgical masks. By doing so, manufacturers weren't thinking about the environment or the potential impact these masks might have. Most masks that were created are single use ones, where after you use it once or twice most people throw them away and reach for a new one. Clearly that is an issue that must be addressed. The added waste from these masks are not something that be brushed off. Experts are worried that the added influx in masks could lead to a rise in ocean pollution where billions of disposable masks are found floating around aimlessly in the ocean. 

Ecosystems are at Risk as a result of the lack of care given by humans. Caretakers of the environment, abiding by the local governmental rules are staying at home and not attending to previously well cared wildlife. These animals/environment depended on humans to thrive and without the constant care are left to struggle on their own. Additionally, there has been an increase in illegal fishing, deforestation, and wildlife poaching during this time, as people try to take advantage of the lack of enforcement. However, this issue will most likely be resolved as more countries lift lockdown measures in the near future.

Take Away:

The corona virus is not the solution to all of the world's problems. Following the eventual return to normal life, it might be like nothing has happened. Most changes will gradually revert to where they were prior to to the pandemic. These fixes are mostly temporary, however, if we can continue the downward trend of carbon emissions that is when long lasting change can truly be made.