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Daily Habits That Harm the Environment

by Kari Oakley | 29-07-2020 04:25

garbage on a body of water

Throughout the day there are many activities that you do without thinking about them, and you may not realize the impact that they have on the environment. Take a few minutes to examine your routine or keep track throughout the day and notice how many little things you're doing that you could stop or change up a little bit to be more eco friendly. These changes don't have to be all that drastic or cause a big upset in your life. Simple measures can make a big difference.  

Using Too Much Energy

One of the big things that most people do without realizing it, is wasting energy. This includes leaving lights on, the television or other electronics, and even keeping your phone plugged in overnight. These activities all waste valuable energy that isn't needed.

Be more mindful of your needs and how you're using energy sources. When they're not in use, turn them off. Make a habit to check the room before you leave it and turn off lights and appliances. 

You can also opt for a solar panel battery to charge your devices. This reduces your energy consumption and can be a quick and affordable method to charge your devices on the go when you don't have access to electricity. 

Driving Everywhere

Taking your car every time you leave the home creates a lot of air pollution. Instead of driving everywhere you need to go, consider other options. Take public transportation to reduce pollution. Or, even better, walk to your destination. 

If driving is absolutely necessary for you, then choose your vehicle carefully. Purchase one that uses less fuel. If you can, you may even want to make the smartest choice for the environment and invest in an electric car

Water Waste

Wasting water is another thing that negatively impacts the environment. And many people don't even realize what they're doing. Easy actions such as turning the water off when you're brushing your teeth can save many gallons. 

There are so many areas where you can reduce your water consumption. Shorten showers to stop wasting water and energy from the water being heated. You could even use a timer for younger children so they know how long is acceptable to take. Use eco friendly settings on dishwashers and washing machines to reduce the amount of water that it takes to clean each cycle. 

Soaps and Cleaners 

Throughout each day you are washing your hands, wiping down the counters, and any number of other cleaning activities. While these are necessary functions, many often don't realize that the ingredients in these regularly used products can be harmful to the environment.

Many soaps and cleaners contain a lot of chemicals and preservatives that can then be leached into the water supply and contribute to water pollution and even air pollution. They also aren't the best products for you and your family's health either.

Thankfully, there are many alternatives that you can use. Check your labels and make sure that you're buying products with safe ingredients with minimal environmental impact. There are products available that are made from plant-based and other natural materials. Or you can use common household ingredients like vinegar to create your own cleaning blends.  


Another big area where people are having an impact on the environment is through waste of materials they use each day. Something as manageable as investing in a reusable water bottle can save you from reaching for the plastic bottles and drastically reduce the amount of plastic waste that you create. 

Try to purchase items that are able to be recycled, or are made from recycled materials. Cut back on your wastefulness. Don't print paper items if not necessary. 

Take a look at your life and try to find a few ways that you can make some simple changes to minimize the harm on the environment. Most of them don't take much thought or time to do and can even benefit you by saving you money and helping you to be more mindful in living a better and healthier life.