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Consequence of climate change in Agriculture and ways to cope its effect in Nepal

by Pooja Gyawali | 26-07-2020 17:28

          Climate of Nepal varies from cool summer and severe winter in north to sub tropical summers and mid winters in south. Climate change has been occurred in different geographical region with diversified topography and vegetation. Nepal is one of the fourth most vulnerable countries affected by climate change in the world.
          Change in temperature , precipitation and composition of gases have greater potential to affect crops. Reduction in productive land potential due to floods , landslide and erosion are also the issues at peak. Because of climate change , it is reported untimely start of monsoon rainfall that result rain deficit in eastern terai lowlands in 2005/06 reducing crop production by 12.5% nationwide. Adverse effect of climate change lead to extinction of some indigenous crop varieties – Basmati rice, local wheat, maize etc. Also infection by disease and pest such as club root of crucifers, blight of solaneceous, rust of wheat, blast of rice, leaf spot of maize leading to decreasing crop productivity.
          As agriculture is the climate sensitive sector, farmers need timely information on weather and climate variability to adjust their farming practices to minimize adverse impacts on rural livelihoods and food security. Slope land management by plantation of fodder trees and appropriate crops such as citrus, tea and coffee on terrace to control erosion are promoted in mid hills. Other practical practices of adoption with respect to climate change on agriculture could be Tunnel/plastic house farming and off season vegetable cultivation and vegetable & potato storage so on. Adaptation and mitigation are the appropriate tools to address effect of climate changes in agriculture and livelihood maintenance. Thus, it¡¯s necessary to think in a serious and sustainable way to cope up the effects of climate change. Green cheers!!!