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[Thematic Report] "Problem and solving of the degradation of mangrove ecosystem"

by Anthony Duxell Malle | 19-07-2020 06:36

Environmental problem is a state of condition or affair that occurs within an environment which is not satisfactory , the environmental problem in this context is the degradation of the mangrove ecosystems on the coastal areas. Recently, the degradation of mangrove driven by land reclamation, conversion for aquaculture and agriculture, coastal development, pollution is occurring at an alarming rate which need an urgent attention, at a small community along the coastline of my home town( Limbe Municipality) which is found in the SouthWest region of Cameroon.
         The reason why this problem of degradation of mangrove ecosystem need to be solved, it is as a of it value in protection and stabilization of low lying coastal land, it provide fishery food chain, mangrove are flood buffers and they also greatly help in stabilizing the climate by moderating temperature, humidity, wind and even sea waves. A lot of problems have been generated , but the the most devastating of them all is Chlorera outbreak which recently attacked the community living five(5) children death and three(3) showing symptoms already. This is as a result of the poor environmental hygiene and lack of source of good drinking water. Also, Ignorance and lack of vital information has led to the destruction of many house hold property due periodic floods.
           Some of the solution on which I have been able to brainstorming on in other to reduce this effects of the degradation of mangrove ecosystem on livelihood and coastline characteristics are as follows:
-  Construction of a suspended tap water from the gound in order to avoid contamination.
-To carry out a massive campaign in other to create  awareness on the effects associated with the degradation of mangrove ecosystem.
- Lastly, I have took upon myself to sponsor six children (3 boys and 3girls) in the high school this coming academic year. This will  enable them to be resourceful personnel in their community in the long run. 
           I sincerely want to thank  Tunza Eco-generation team and sponsors for such a wonderful platform like this where great minds are built as a result of the wonderful ideas which are being shared.