[Thematic report]: problem and solvingby Nikolay Dagaev | 18-07-2020 18:21 |
After the environmental disaster that occurred in May in Norilsk (Russia) as a result of an oil spill, I decided to devote my second report to this topic. But this time my goal is to talk about ways to solve such a problem as oil pollution. The oil industry includes the extraction, transportation and processing of raw materials. At every stage of oil use, the soil, water, atmosphere, vegetation and wildlife are harmed, often irreparably. As a result of refining petroleum products, a huge amount of waste is generated, including acid tars — toxic viscous masses containing hydrocarbons and sulfuric acid. A huge amount of harmful substances is released into the atmosphere every day, including hydrogen sulfide, sulfur oxide, benzene, and so on. There are many reasons for leaks - from poor quality of equipment or its improper operation to a high degree of wear and tear of funds. The latter problem is particularly relevant for Russia, given the length of main pipelines. There are many incidents of oil leaks every year. Methods of oil spill control There are several methods for dealing with oil leaks. Mechanical-involve scooping the polluting layer by any means from shovels to machines. In Azerbaijan, a non-pressure hydrocyclone is used, which separates hydrocarbons and pumps out raw material using a branch pipe. The French collect the product on a special vessel. In the Russian Federation, a vortex funnel with a capacity of 30 m3/hour has been developed for emergencies. The essence of the methods is to separate the oil from the other fractions and collect it. Physico-chemical - adsorbents are components of different nature. The straw separates the oil in a volume that is 30 times larger than its own. Also used are rubber crumb, polyurethane foam, peat, pumice, coal dust, moss, sawdust. Then the raw material is localized by passing through the rollers and deposited. Microbiological-dispersion of bacteria that feed on oil over the lesion. For the development of microorganisms, a favorable environment is created, phosphates and nitrates are added. Chemical-use solvents and acids based on sodium, silicon, and iron [1]. Much depends on the oil companies to solve this problem. But for now, the main contribution to environmental safety is provided by scientists, in particular by improving methods for collecting oil after spills. A group of scientists from the Chinese University of science and technology managed to clean the water surface from the oil spill using a sponge, which was coated with graphene. According to one of the authors of the discovery, the new method makes it possible to collect oil more efficiently and eliminate spills over large areas. Russian scientists have developed a sorbent consisting of natural minerals processed under high pressure and temperature. Under the influence of the powder, oil molecules are destroyed and converted into particles, which, in fact, are an integral part of any soil. According to scientists ' calculations, about 250 kg of powder is required for one ton of spilled oil [3]. Russian scientists have also created a unique tool to help combat oil pollution. It can accelerate the decomposition of harmful substances. Recently, Russian scientists have made a breakthrough in the field of ecology. The Arctic research and design center for offshore development has officially received a patent for a special strain of bacteria that devours petroleum products. In the event of an accident, they are able to completely clean the water area from oil spills. These microbes are voracious, and their main delicacy is oil products. Just the ability of a number of microorganisms to eat hydrocarbons and formed the basis of the new development. There are quite a few examples of such bacteria in the world. But the uniqueness of the strains selected by Russian scientists is that they are able to survive in extreme weather conditions. Microorganisms will be effective both in heat and cold. Their frost resistance makes them indispensable for eliminating potential oil spills in the Arctic zone. From the point of view of ecology, this technology is a real breakthrough. Micro-organisms fit perfectly into the food chain. Bacteria eat all the oil in the area of contamination that could not or simply cannot be collected by other methods, then they themselves become food for invertebrates, which, in turn, — for fish, and so on [5]. To prevent oil pollution, it is necessary to monitor the condition of transport and equipment, and comply with environmental legislation. But these measures remain on the conscience of the black gold processors. 1. https://musorish.ru/zagryaznenie-neftyu/ 2. https://tass.ru/plus-one/4082938 3. https://scientificrussia.ru/articles/russia-oil-cleaning 4. https://www.pravda.ru/news/science/282732-neftyanie_zagryazneniya/ 5. https://www.vesti.ru/article/1287416 |