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Thematic Report: Problem and Solving on Consumption and Production

by Asmita Gaire | 16-07-2020 17:02

In in this world, production is enough to fulfill everyone's hunger. However, 1 in 9 people has to sleep hungry every night. Most of the production doesn't reach the table. Hunger has become a logistic problem and gradually it has become a epidemic since 821 million people are undernourished according bro data collected in 2017 AD. Production is as much as we desire, but 1.3 billion food ends up in the bin, but 1 in 9 has to sleep empty stomach each night, ridiculous right? Production isn't the end, it's processing also need to be focussed. Not only this, most of the food that we waste are responsible for environment deterioration also. It aids in carbon dioxide emissions which is no way good to the environment. Moreover, these left overs attract flies and other different microbes that are harmful for human and other animals causing numbers of diseases. So, my focus here is mainly on production and consumption. Not only about agricultural products but also in the case of resources and energy. Resources are severly violated and energy is haphazardly used. Resources violation has caused to different kinds of natural disasters causing loss of huge number of lives. Energy random use has led to depletion of non renewable source of energy.

These problems are created by human not the nature. Natural problems are healed by nature and for the human activities, it has to be done by human themselves.

It can be solved if human become responsible on consumption and production. Here, only one individual isn't sufficient; but each and every individual if pledge and contribute from their side then yes, change we want to see in the world is for sure achieved. Let's buy seasonal and local product. Let's buy only the amount we want not in excess. Let's adopt eco-friendly activities. Let's follow 4Rs rule Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Repurpose). It's not only about agricultural production but is also about energy. Let's use LED bulbs. Let's use energy only when required. If we don't follow it, 3 planets may be required for resources by 2050 when population will be increased to 9.6 billion. Let's use them for the right purpose and use only when required. Let's use the resources thinking about the future too. I mean let's carry out every activities keeping in consideration of sustainability. Let's focus on value chain; it means set of activities that a firm operating in a specific industry perform to deliver valuable product for the market. There are many more to do and many more we can do. Let's respect, support and follow government and international guidelines created for sustainability.

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