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DSR:An Alternative Rice Established Methods

by Biddhya pandey | 04-07-2020 00:02

 Increasing water scarcity, unavailability of water logging fields and increasing labor wages triggers the search for alternative rice established methods. So, Direct seeded rice was discovered as a best solution in the 1980s in different developing country. 

DSR is an alternative crop established methods for rice where seeds are sown directly without raising them in a nursery. It's of 3types:

Conventional tillage-Dry DSR(CT-Dry DSR) 

Zero tillage-Dry DSR


Also, Me being the agricultural student,i had  practiced CT-Dry DSR in my own field ,in which ploughing and planking are done to make a good tilt of soil. Seeds are sowed by broadcasting methods. Also, seeding can be done by sowing of pre germinated seeds into a puddled soil (wet seeding) or standing water (water seeding) DSR offers many great advantage like saving water, labor, time, energy, reduce emissions of green gases too. 

Why DSR? 

Rising cost and scarcity of labour at peak periods. 

Water scarcity

Rising interest in conservation agriculture

Adverse effects of puddling which affects on soil physical property

Also, weeds are the most important constraints to the success of DSR. Research has shown that, in the absence of effective weed control options, yield losses are greater in DSR than in transplanted rice. Common weeds present in DSR includes grassy weeds , broad leafy weeds etc. So, as  remedy, we can use different weeds management methods. We use pendimethalin as pre-emergence and post emergence bispyribec sodium herbicides in our field practically.