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Wildlife hospital: A second prospect to the injured and diseased wildlife.

by Aarati Khatri | 26-06-2020 13:49

Nepal, a country where we find the phenomenal combination of myth and reality, where we experience the absolute wilderness of nature and the home for many charismatic wilds as well as domestic flora and fauna. Wild animals are considered as the nation¡¯s glory. No doubt that these beautiful creatures lure visitors all around the world.

But the greediness ethics of humans have caused this creature on the verge of extinction by various inhumane activities. Daily news of declining number of wildlife in the country has been a burning issue recently. Among different conservation strategies that are implied to stabilize the wildlife population in the country, the establishment of the adequate number of wildlife hospital is one which will work wonders and provide a huge relief to the injured wild animals caused by various anthropological and natural causes. Wildlife too have blood and flesh like humans then why can¡¯t a hospital be built for their treatment?

Wildlife hospital offers immense benefits and care to all infected animals whether mega or minor species inflicted by the injuries that significantly support to reduce the untimely demise of wild creatures caused by many natural factors as well as uncountable numbers of the road accident. It helps in curing the birds that lose their life on the spot due to electrocution, can easily cure dislocation of various parts of wildlife, and can treat animals injured due to collision on glass windows, even airplanes.

Though the Central Zoo located in the Jawlakhel, Kathmandu acts as a primary centre for the minor treatment, care and rescue of diseased, injured, orphaned and sick animals around Kathmandu Valley only but what about the rest of 76 districts? Isn¡¯t the wildlife valuable in other 76 district? Or the Government are concerned only on caressing the wildlife values in the capital only? Wildlife hospital which will set up at Sauraha, Chitwan National park is still delayed due to the lack of supply of adequate equipment.

One of the reality-based poem ¡°Travelling through the dark¡± written by William Stafford represents the significance of wildlife hospitals. The poem represent the cruel and selfish nature of human being. The poet found a dead deer with a living baby fawn inside which was killed in a road accident. There was no any emergency wildlife care around the Wilson River so the poet was compelled to throw the deer with the living fawn inside to clear the way and prevent further road accidents. If he had found a wildlife emergency care hospital nearby, he would have saved the unborn baby fawn.

 Preventing wildlife from illegal anthropological activities like poaching, hunting, torturing, restricting the animals in lab experiments, etc. only will not enhance the wildlife numbers, rather treating the one that is vulnerable to many epidemics and deterioration will help to maintain the wildlife number consistently. The government should consider the establishment of a required number of wildlife hospitals as an integral part of the wildlife conservation program. Delayed action in laying the foundation to establish the wildlife hospital will result in a huge loss of wildlife and deprived of emergency treatment to the injured ones.

Disseminating the effective knowledge to the present as well as future generations about wildlife conservation will ignite the youth as well as elderly members of the society to value the wildlife and provide immediate care to animals when in need. Building just a skeleton of bricks, stones and mortars doesn¡¯t indicate the wildlife hospital. It should be enriched with scientific surgical tools, improved veterinary care, advanced medicines, first aid box, certified staff, surgeon and dedicated team members working for the welfare of wildlife. Since, Nepal has several Bilateral and Multilateral relationships with different donor countries like Europe, India, China importing the necessary medicines and surgical tools wouldn¡¯t be a great issue for our country.

As wildlife plays a significant role in attracting a huge number of tourists and has bagged millions of dollars in the country. So, the government should assure to provide health service to injured wildlife free of cost by mobilizing various conservation volunteers. The Department of National Park and Wildlife Conservation should peruse the internships program in the curriculum to the student studying Environment Science, Forestry and Natural Resources Management to take this initiation to the effective level and to produce more conservation warriors. Living in harmony with wildlife should be human ethics in this modern world. Staring innocent animals dying brutally to its death and complaining the respective authority about it is not the ultimate solution. Our existence purely depends on these beautiful wild creature, conserving them is conserving human existence.