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Tips to Create a Healthy Environment

by Kari Oakley | 12-06-2020 16:16

People are becoming more concerned about how they can help the environment. Years of neglect have caused problems that environmentalists are bringing to light. As a result, more people are becoming interested in ways they can contribute to a healthier environment. If you're interested in helping the world become a better place, there are several things you can do each day that will contribute to a better, healthier environment. If you aren't sure how to make a difference, here are some tips to help you become more eco-conscious so you can help create a healthier Earth. 

Go Solar 

The benefits of solar power are becoming more apparent to people as technology has improved how we harness the sun. If you live in a sunny location such as Hawaii, you may want to look into the benefits of Hawaii solar energy . With solar power, you'll save money on your monthly energy bills and help the environment. 

Reduce Water

Our homes are a major source of water waste but luckily you can easily reduce your water use each day. You can install low-flow shower heads to save several gallons of water each time you shower and dual-flush toilets which will drastically reduce your water usage each time you flush. If your washer is dated, investing in an Energy Star washer is a great way to reduce your water usage, especially if you also switch to washing your laundry in cold water. When you're on the go, rather than purchasing a single-use water bottle, which tends to fill up our landfills, opt instead to use a reusable water bottle which is a great way to reduce your water and plastic usage. 

Grow Your Food

If you're looking for a relaxing hobby, gardening is a great way to unwind while also helping the environment. When you grow your own fruits, veggies, and spices you can provide your family with healthy alternatives to supermarket food while enjoying a sustainable garden at home. When you grow food organically, you have no need for pesticides which are harmful to the environment. 


You can help the environment while you're away from home as well. Did you know that when you commute you are adding carbon dioxide and other harmful greenhouse gases to the environment. Rather than use your own vehicle, find a buddy who lives close and agrees to carpool each day to work. This can help reduce the greenhouse gases that are emitted in the air and help you bond with your coworkers. If you want to be more healthy, you can also choose to walk or ride a bike to work each day, which not only provides you with great exercise but also gives back to the environment. 

Eat Less Meat

Many people consume too much meat which has a negative impact on the environment. One small way to do your part to help the environment is to cut back on the amount of meat you consume on a daily basis. If you aren't ready to become a vegetarian, simply cutting back on how many days a week you consume meat can be of help. Cutting back on meat not only helps you but can also have a positive impact on your overall health. Aside from cutting back on meat, purchasing what you eat from local farmers is another way to lower your impact on the environment because they are locally sourced which means less greenhouse gases are emitted during transport to local grocery stores. 

You don't have to completely change the way you live your life to create a healthier environment. When you use these tips to help the environment, you can do your part to create a healthier world.