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[Free report] UN meeting and my speech there!

by Diana Gamazova | 06-06-2020 00:46

I finally finished my first event speech, so now you can read it!
Those ------- means pause or changed intonation, so don't be confused by them :)

As you know on 5th of June we all celebrate United Nations Worlds Environmental day. On that day we all are encouraging awareness and action for the protection of our environment. The theme of this year was ¡°Celebrate Biodiversity¡±.

Biodiversity on our planet is represented by many kingdoms, types and representers of living beings. Over millions of years, under the influence of evolution, archaebacteria turned into multicellular organisms, then through mutation and natural selection, the simplest plants and animals quietly sank to the bottom of oceans or got out from water and continued to distribute throughout the land. The Earth and that have large amount of different kinds of biodiversity that we were witnessing before, --------we will never ever see it again.

As an example: The place where WED will be held in this year is Colombia, which is really symbolic in my opinion.

I can guess you know what the Amazon dessert is?-------- You can believe it or not, but once it was called Amazon forest. 

There were billions of trees with absolutely unique biodiversity which you would not be able to find anywhere else but there, and more than two hundred thousand animal species were living, developing and prospering there. Did you know that every tenth species of animal that has ever been described has been found there and nowhere else on our Earth. More than sixteen thousand kinds of trees sent their branches hundreds of meters to the sky, saving people from deadly thunderstorms and winds, ------are now no more.  And now I am so sorry to tell you---- that we burnt them down.----- We cut them with huge machines in a horrific speed that is equal to 40 football fields in every minute which is 50% of all the trees in a world gone----- in a last decade.------- And why?--------- Because----- of money. And what makes me more upset, and fall into a deep sorrow is, that it has so many pictures of leafs in it and have you ever notice that their color is green?------------- But you can never compare them. The leafs producing oxygen by which we breath has the cure to heal our diseases, they are the source of life not only the tree but for all of us----------- and money,---- what can they give us? -----------What they have only done is to make us put our profit above the people,- greed above need,- rule of gold above the golden rule,- to make us use our nature as a credit card with no limit. And look where we are now?

We stole the chance for future generation to see uniqueness of biodiversity, the range of living creatures and miracles of environment. We must be sorry for our future generation that we poisoned with our ocean so much, that they will never see the biodiversity of Great coral reef, because after ten years it will all be gone. --------- We need to be sorry for our kids that we polluted our sky so much that someday, -------they will forget how the birds are spreading their wings and how they fly through------ once upon a time----------- a blue skyes. We need to be sorry for future generation that we did not find the way to ship people on the other planet earlier, because this planet is dying and point of no return is that close that I do not think that any emergences can help to make even the smallest step back.

But what is the most frightening here is-------------- our mindset---- It has never changed. Because we still call this destruction------ a progress¡¦

For example choose your favorite snack and you will see the palm oil in the first place in its compounds. The food companies call the destruction of the great Indonesian forests, murder and exploitation of the main inhabitants of these forests orangutans in prostitution or as a slaves –---- a progress in taste and technologies. In the last decade Nestle burned down almost all of these unique forests and there are only 2 islands left, from almost hundred------ where you still can see trees and not the black from fires and machines soil. You know, that reminds me of Hitler and his definition of progress. He called destruction of nations and cultures ---– the progress of Great German nation.

And if we turned in to the history,----- let¡¯s observe it from the very beginning. 

Earth is four point five billion years old and human is just one hundred and forty thousand, if we compare them, and get some simple deductions, we will see that human beings are only 3 seconds alive on this planet. And look for this short time what we have done?----------- With developing science and technologies we proudly call ourselves – Homo Sapience. Which means – conscious man. And look by yourself are we really that conscious? We are destroying Earth, which brings us water, food, safety and what matters more ------- Home. Have you ever imagined how unique our house is? With all this development in space science we still could not find a planet same to ours----- and that is from our solar system and one only  from billion trillions trillions of planets, the number is that huge, that it has thirty two zeroes at the end. The ideal position from the sun, the only planet with nuclear made of metal and the only one,--- which can produce gravitation to hold the oxygen ----- the life on Earth. We made our planet sick, because we have been raised that we are apart from nature, but if we would trully deserve the name of conscius man we would understand that we are the part of it.


Ok, I agree that we are smart, but not too smart for our own good. Yes we built artificial intelligence, split the atom to find a new house for us in universe, but in the same time created history with Herosima and Nagasaki and for millions of years blew off life and the natural biodiversity of Chernobyl. And that can not be the wisdom or consciousness. The wisdom and consciousness when the intelligence speaks or acts they listen and observe, ---but we successfully ignored what lessons nature has showed us and we covered our eyes and ears, --when the Earth--- was pleading for help.

If we were smart, we would not be shocked when we see the storm, --which is bigger than ever before, we would not been amazed by new amounts of drought, hurricanes, wildfires than ever before.---- Because there are more pollution than ever before, more peoples influence in natural habitats than ever before. More carbon, more trees cut down than ever before.---- We have increased the extinction of animals by one thousand times the normal rate. ---What is more horrible is that in the next 100 years every childs' beloved animal will more likely extinct.--------- Whether it is a polar bear or a tiger or a rabbit they will forever be wiped off the face of the earth.--------- And I have to remind you---- of this in three seconds.--------- All those species, which have been on this Earth longer than us, only because of us will die--------. We turned our circle of life, the hoop that never ends to our personal conveyer belt. Which will serve till the time that there will be nothing to put on it.

Our unique house,--- if we compare to deoxygenated Mars or hell hot Venus---- is Paradise.  If the bacteria or virus in our body multiplies uncontrollably, we feel sick or even die. -- our polluted oceans, destroyed biodiversity, cities of factories and all this destruction are the symptoms of Us. Where we are given medicine from trees, not coincidentally,---- but shared as a family. We are the part of a whole family –-- nature. We are the part of biodiversity of this planet. Every species are connected genetically from the sun flower to the sunfish and this we have to understand before------ is too late. --------Because the real crisis is not the global warming or ocean pollution it is ----------Us. Those problems are symptoms of us, consequences of us, it is our reflection, this lost of connection created by misdirection. --We have forgot that everything contributes to the perfection of --Mother Nature. All those corporations and progress keep us disconnected and unaware of that our own home is being taken right under our feet. We cannot allow history for the future generations to be written by greedy and wicked present. And it is our duty to protect our Mother Nature from those who refuse to see her beauty for our kids and many generations which awaits us ahead.

I know that the solution of all those problems is on our shoulders and we are the generation which will solve them, ----but please,--- I address those words to every adult. Do not make in the eyes of my own future children me--- as a culprit of that they will not be able to see the Amazon forests, the Great barrier reef, and their favorite animals will remain only in the lines of fairy tales that I will read to them at night. After they will find out that our generation missed the chance to save this planet, they will no longer see me as a loving mother, but as someone who caused their hardships or---- even worse----- who ignored the destruction of their future and did not protect their happiness. And after all of that ----how can I ever dare to look in their eyes, which holds hate and anger. 

Please, you are the generation which in nowadays rules the world, have a great power to make change----- do not let my future--- own--- child----- hate me¡¦.

Thank you for going trough it!

I really want to know your opinion on it, because I am really nervous..:))
So if there's some misunderstanding or mistakes, please write them in comments!

Always yours Diana