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[Biodiversity] Getting to know it!!!!!!!

by Alan Portocarrero | 28-05-2020 07:41

Hi there, eco generation members!

Joining myself to the party of Biodiversity Day, I have written  about theme. Before all, to write this article was something new and hard every now and then, then I found several difficulties such as technical vocabularies. However, it also was a pleasure because I enjoyed picking up new knowledges. Apart from this, I would say this is the result of my learning and I am up to share with you.

What is biodiversity?

Some people  define Biodiversity, in simple words, as the richness of flora and fauna which have an ecosystem(Rutherford,J,2015)1. It is also though,  that it is the outnumber of variation of specimens within an specific area. Going to technical definition, ¡°Biodiversity is the amount of biological or living diversity in a specific area. It includes the concepts of species diversity, habitat diversity, and genetic diversity¡±(Davis,A,2013)2. Now, we see that this concept is not just the number of different specifies in an area, but it is a far more complex concept than that.   


Genetic diversity Genetic diversity is the range of genetic material which is present in a species.

Species diversity is a measurement of the number of different species and how abundant they are compared to other species in a specific area.

Habitat diversity is the range of different habitats in an ecosystem.


Conservation of habitat diversity usually leads to species diversity and genetic diversity being protected and preserved.

What is the origins of Biodiversity?

Biodiversity comes from different factors related to short or long term changes. Hitting the books through this topic I can outline three causes of biodiversity.

The first one is Natural Selection. When we mention this factor, automatically comes to our mind the theory of evolution by Charlie Darwin. In fact, it does because he developed this theory. However, what does he tell us about it?  Let¡¯s dive in:

He adds that it is a process where organisms that are better adapted to their surroundings are more likely to survive and produce more offspring(Davis,A,2013. Pag 129)3. Do you get it? If you do not let us go a bit slowly, when organisms reproduce, variation or over-reproduction, certainly appear. Then,     Over-reproduction leads to competition for limited resources and there is a ¡¯struggle for existence.

¡°Those individuals that showed more variation are more likely to survive overtime. Due to, they probably changed their  genetic characteristics, adapting thus to their harsh environment. The genetic characteristics that are successful are passed on to the next generation when an individual reproduces. Over time, there is a gradual change in the genetic characteristics of a species and this leads, eventually, to the formation of new species. That way, biodiversity borns¡±(Davis, A,2013.pag 131)4

Likewise, we have Isolation. I solation is one of the big reasons why biodiversity exists. Due to, it leads to speciation. ¡°Speciation can occur as a result of different isolating mechanisms. (¡¦) for example as a result of geographical isolation or reproductive isolation¡±(Davis,A,2013, pag.132 )5.  In one hand, geographical isolation is the separation occurred because of land or water form. As examples of these, we can note ¡°The islands of the Galápagos  and  The East African Rift. On    the other hand,    reproductive isolation caused by processes that prevent the members of two different species from producing offspring together¡±(Davis,A,2013, pag.132)6. The reasons can be ecological, anatomical or behavioural differences. Consequently, all these factors lead to appearance of new livings. Therefore, biodiversity enhanced.  

The same Plate activity is considered as one of the causes of Biodiversity. Let us see why!

¡°Plate activity has resulted in changes in the genetic characteristics of species and to the formation of new biodiversity¡±(Davis,A,2013, pag.132)7. It means that plate activity leads to evolution.

How does plate activity lead to speciation?

1. The formation of new mountain or rift valleys forms a barrier between two populations.

2. New habitats are created.

3. The increase in habitat diversity leads to an increase in species diversity as the number of available niches increases.

4. The geographical barrier could separate species and put them in two different ecosystems with climates that might be completely different.

5. Separated populations would adapt to their new surroundings and eventually evolve into new species.   (Davis,A,2013, pag.132)8

Factors which lead to the loss of biodiversity?

There are two main factors:

¡°We have, first, natural events, such as volcanoes, drought, ice ages, and meteor impact, have led to loss of diversity. The eruption of Krakatau in 1883 caused a cloud of smoke and dust that reduced the amount of sunlight reaching large areas of the Earth¡¯s surface and which led to a fall in surface temperatures. Changes in the Australian climate as the result of movements in tectonic plates and global warming have caused an increase in the frequency of fi res and a general drying of the continent. The increasingly dry climate in Australia has led to the prevalence of drought-tolerant species and the extinction of other species¡±( (Davis,A,2013, pag.140)9.

¡°Changes in the orbit of the Earth and its tilt, along with plate tectonic movement, have led to many long-term cold periods. These have resulted in the selection of species adapted to colder conditions and the extinction of less-adapted species. One reason for the success of mammals is their ability to produce their own heat and control their temperature, which has made it possible for them to survive in colder environments¡±(Davis,A,2013, pag.114)10.

Then, human actions, ¡°which include habitat degradation, fragmentation, and loss. Some agricultural methods are a threat to native species. These methods include the introduction of monocultures, and the use of pesticides and genetically modifi ed (GM) species. Native species are less able to compete with species that are introduced through agriculture. Monocultures mean a large loss of diversity compared to the native ecosystems that they replace. Non-specifi c pesticides can destroy native as well as imported pest species and this leads to a loss of diversity¡±( (Davis,A,2013, pag.141)11.

Finally,  What to do to conserve biodiversity?

Nowadays, the world is suffering a big mass extinction and human is the cause of this. We as specie has to do something to stop this reality. There is so much we can do, for example work between nation to protect every animals and flora that exist worldwide. This might sound weird but that is what I believe and desire, to work together for the benefit of all together. Due to, we are also a specie, the human being specie. Happy international biological diversity day 2020.

Guys, I made a video of myself doing and ecological diversity tour at home. I show the flora and fauna I have at home.    If want to watch it here¡¯s the link:


1.Rutherford,J. (2015).Environmental systems and societies. London, England:Oxford

2.Davis, A. (2013).Environmental systems and societies. Roma, Italy: Pearson








