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Bees for a successful civilization

by Prajwal Shrestha | 20-05-2020 13:27

There is no need for introduction to this special arthropod that is bees or Apis mellifera. Bees are linked for any human civilization or entire ecosystem to prosper and be sustained for a long time. We humans need these precious bees more than ever as most of out crops depend upon them for pollination and fruit formation which are the essential to our day to day life. Not only humans the trees need them to form seeds so that new trees can be planted and thus help in minimizing the CO2 concentration from our atmosphere.

But even though we rely upon bees up to enormous extent our activities for developmental projects are threatening their survival. Climate change, colony collapse disorder, and now recently cases of murder hornets in the US is again questioning the survival of our precious arthropod. Necessary steps are to being taken to protect them and again repopulate the bees in our ecosystem as without them most of the plants will fail to survive and in a long-term basis we will also cease to exist. If we can promote the population of bees then along the way our ecosystem will also be protected and thus our human civilization can be successful otherwise will soon fade away from the Earth.