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by Sudha Bhandari | 20-05-2020 16:24

Hi, hope all of you are safe and having great time at home.  As we know this month of May is recognised as the month of Biological Diversity. 22nd of may is celebrated as International day of Biological Diversity and this year the United Nation has set 4 days leading up to May 22nd with different themes, each day representing different aspects related to biodiversity.From today , May 18 to May 21 .Each day is represented by a symbol and each symbol has got different meaning.with the theme of ¡®Our all solution are in Nature¡¯.

As today¡¯s it¡¯s 20th of May and this day is represented by the symbol of Bee. which also stands for conservation of biodiversity. On this day our main aim is to raise awareness about importance and threats on pollinators.They are directly liked with human civilization.Another major importance of biodiversity is that they are the major source of food and medicine for us. Globally there large number of honey bees than  and pollinating insects, so it is the worlds great pollinator of food crops. It is estimated that one third of the food that we consume each day relies on pollination mainly by honeybee but also by other insects, birds etc.Pollinators affect 35percent of global agricultural land.

Have you ever had the opportunity to observe the busy work of a tiny honey bee as it meanders from flower to flower on a clear, sunny day? There¡¯s something truly captivating about honey bees that draws us deeper into their world. 

They taught the best lesson of never losing hope And giving up. We see honey bees frequently in books, movies, and television, where they are often associated with making hives filled with delicious, golden honey. We are fond of that but the struggle behind that honey is beyond our imagination.Honey bees are known for their production of honey and beeswax, as well as the large role they play in the pollination of plants and flowers. Honey bees can also be considered super-organisms due to their complex social systems and dynamic, tight-knit interactions with one another and their environments.They taught us about the social harmony and unity. They are the real heroes of this beautiful Planet.

But,nowdays  Honey bee populations continue to decline, then biggest threat to their health is the varroa mite, one of the world's tiniest and most destructive parasites. Varroa mites suck the blood  of bees and  transmit deadly viruses, making them one of the greatest theat to bees. bees and other insect pollinators are beset by the same environmental challenges as other species, including , degradation,  habitat loss and fragmentation; non-native species and diseases; pollution, including pesticides and climate change.

Thus, earth is the common home for all of is place for all so we should be aware and careful that while using our resource we won¡¯t harm any other creature. If we won¡¯t think of it now, one day there will be scarce of food. So let¡¯s try from our level to aware the people and to protect them.

