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Monthly event - Biodiversity

by Sudha Bhandari | 18-05-2020 22:17

The month of May is recognised as the month of Biological Diversity. 22nd of may is celebrated as International day of Biological Diversity and this year the United Nation has set 4 days leading up to May 22nd with different themes, each day representing different aspects related to biodiversity.

From today , May 18 to May 21 .Each day is represented by a symbol and each symbol has got different meaning.

As today it's 18th of May and this day is represented by the symbol of Polar bear.This symbol tells that through scientific and traditional knowledge we can find possible solutions to prevent it from happening in future.The scientific and traditional knowledge can be related to study and know about biodiversity.

Biodiversity simply means the variety of life on earth.It is the variety of species, variety of genes present in different organisms and variety of ecosystem.It tells us about the variety of species which habitat at different location and the connection between all the species.

Biodiversity is important for sustaining life on earth .Human will exist on earth till biodiversity exist. Biodiversity supply oxygen, clean air and water.It provides raw material for consumption and production.
Livelihood of farmers, fishers and timber workers depend upon biodiversity.It provides shelter, reduce pollution, helps in climate stability and many more.

Through science and traditional knowledge we are able to know about the importance of biodiversity in human life. The plant of Tulsi is planted in various house and even worshipped in house various people. The leaves of Tulsi are used to cure diseas such as common cold, throat problem etc . Like this there are other plants too which have traditional value and even beneficial for humans. Like plants there are some animals which are worshipped and have got a traditional value such as Cow is worshipped at the time of Tihar(Dipawali) and it provides us milk and cow dung and urine are used as fertilizer . Some of the plants and animals are protected due to their traditional values.

Nowadays , due to various human activities such as deforestation , overexploitation of natural resources , overhunting or overfishing , habitat destruction ,pollution which creates disturbance in both aquatic and terrestial ecosystem.Besides this climate change has a great impact on the species to adjust with the changing climate and the one who fail to adjust dies. Introduction  of invasive species has become a threat to native species. Epidemics like Ebola virus and flu affect wildlife and biodiversity. Unmanaged agriculture practices has also created a huge loss in biodiversity.

It's high time for us to realise and move forward to reduce biodiversity loss.The most simple way to contribute personally to reduce the biodiversity loss is by planting local fruits , vegetables and flowers in our local areas.We should try to reduce our carbon footprint by travelling through bicycle or public bus inspire of cars to combat climate change. Seggregating our household waste properly as biodegradable waste and nonbiodegradable waste .We can make compost of biodegradable waste and recycle nonbiodegradable waste. Proper and safe utilization of natural resources.Teaching the farmers to grow more amount of food on same land and to teach them the proper and ecofreindly agriculture practices through plant science which will help to reduce the pressure to convert natural habitats to farm land and it will also help to make environment healthy.

We can also conserve biodiversity by traditional method .In some places there are some sacred grooves. Sacred grooves are generally the protected areas for religious purpose .At those places hunting animals, cutting down trees and making pollution is strictly prohibited. Places like this knowingly or unknowingly helping to conserve biodiversity.
