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Monthly Event : Earth Day 2020 A Campaign for Climate Action

by Sandhya Adhikari | 01-05-2020 18:53

Earth Day is an annual global event celebrated on April 22 where various creative, dynamic events are held in order to demonstrate support and our concern for environmental protection and as a whole mother Earth. Due to the outbreak of fatal pandemic this year, celebration of Earth Day is different than ever. Honestly speaking this year made me realize more about our responsibility, made me to think more genuinely for our Earth. Every Year we celebrate Earth Day with various theme and the theme of this year is "climate Action", climate change is one of the pressing challenge in the context of the modern era and will be the biggest challenge to the future of humanity and the life support system. We are so used to hearing people speak about the climate change that we sometime forget that it reflect all the country and all people. Since 1880, global temperature has been increasing an average of 0.85 degree celsius and estimated that global temperature will rise 6 degree celsius by the end of this century. Its only a small change but the effect would no doubt be devastating which will abruptly challenge the viability of our way of living and will increase the number of climate refugee. It has drastic impact on the developing countries. So its a time to take an urgent action to build a climate resilence environment which can only be achieved through the joint collaborative approach from every individual, stakeholder and business on environmental plans and policies. Its our sole responsibility to stand against this, to stand for our earth so that we can prevent our future generation from danger. Some of the data shows that around 28 giga tons of carbon dioxide emission takes place every year. Thus for the Earth Day 2020 , the most emerging challenge yet the opportunity for the action I.e climate Action on the global concern has been chosen.

Similarly only one day shouldn't be celebrated as Earth Day, it should be a historic campaign until and unless it is healed where every institution, organization, citizen from all across the world will rise and stand up with a creativity, action, act, ambition, commitment to meet the global climate crises and reduce the carbon sink in the atmosphere so that the dynamic change can be seen.

As an Eco Gen Ambassador from Nepal, I had tried to celebrate this event in a very different way. Some of the action that I did for this event around a month are:

1) Poem on climate change

I had tried to express my deep inner concern for the Earth and pressing Climate Change challenge through a word. We all know that climate change is man made anthropogenic change to nature which not only disrupt biodiversity but also effect human. If not taken action quickly then after 10 year it will leave million of climate refugee over here.
My poem:

I am not only an Environmentalist,
I am an eco warrior...

Dear Human,
Don't try to be an element of destruction
Yeah, Climate is changing protect your possession

See the double tongued glacier has begun to melt
Arctic is warming, making the life arduous in land belt,

Ozone is contracting into our sandwiches,
Enhanced, engulfed and translated by carbon magics,

Corals are bleaching, Greenhouse emission repeating
Something is unfair, yeah unfair with the Mother Earth
Something is warming, something is wrong
Obviously yes, its non other than climate change!!!!!

2) All Nepal Online Poster Competition

I am much more delighted to share this program here with all the eco warriors. As an Eco Generation Regional Ambassador at Tunza from Nepal and Board Member at Youth Endeavour For Sustainable Agriculture, an idea hit my mind. So with the aim of celebrating Earth Day with more people of my reach I had collaborated with YES Agriculture and organized All Nepal Online poster competition, where the theme was " My action for Climate Change". All together there were 34 participant and all the poster were so meaningful. We selected top 3 poster through 70% internal evaluation from our respected professor, Subodh Khanal , Department head of Environment and Ecology and 30% from the post reach as we want to share this action with more number of people. Its so good to see that many children have also participated this programme and the poster they had made were so beautiful and inspirational. We had declared our result on 30th April so, I would like to apologies for delay submission of my action for Earth Day as I wanted to enlist and share about the winners with their poster at Eco Generation Report.

Let me share top 3 poster and winner over here, The Winners will be provided with Tunza Eco Gen USB pendrive, Eco stationary, Sticky Notes and all the participant will be provided with digital certificate.

A) Usha Khatri: First position

Her slogan for Earth Day 2020 is," If the single action by one self can heal Mother Earth, why not start from Now?

In her poster she had tried to show how it actually looks devastated mother Earth and Healed Mother Earth. The transformation from devastated Mother Earth to Healed mother earth can be only achieved through the joint action of each individual.



B) Asmita Dhakal: 2nd Position

Her Slogan for the Earth Day 2020 is," Hear the sound of Earth Crying, it is dying
Feel its pain, otherwise later on don't complain"

In her poster, she had tried to portrait how our earth was, is and will be due to antropogenic activities. She had described about the causes for climate change, impact and possible solution for eliminating climate change. We are the reason for the cause and we should be the reason for its solution.

2nd Position

C) Gresha Suwal: Third position

Her slogan for Earth Day 2020 is, "Save the bees, protect the trees, clean the seas".

Let me share one of the most important thing about her poster is that her poster itself is an eco friendly poster as she has made such a beautiful poster through wheat straw without using painting colours.
Through her poster she had given a possible option that we can choose to reduce climate change. 

Third Position

3) Simple Gesture from Eco Generation Ambassador from Nepal at Earth Day 2020

This year due to lockdown situation we could not celebrate earth day as expected. With the aim to coordinate with all the ambassador from Nepal, I had planned to do something new. So with sincere request to every ambassador from Nepal including senior ambassador Prakriti Dhakal, Dibya Bhatta, Kushal Naharki, Nishan Kc, Asmita Gaire as well my fellow ambassador sagar koirala, Balkrishna Pandey, Meena Pandey, tunza Eco member from Nepal Jasmine karki, Himani singh, Roshma pandey, usha khatri, susma chalise, Prakriti Neupane, pooja Gyawali all together 18 members, we tried to show simple gesture on this Earth Day.

I am really so happy to have all the ambassador in a frame and we will be soon collaborate from each level to attain the goal. This a simple initiation of unity, showing we are together for the climate action from our level. This is the simple gesture to show as together we rise to fight pandemic we will rise to save our planet from Climate change at Earth Day 2020. Thank you Everyone for joining my campaign.

Simple Gesture by Eco Gen Ambassador from Nepal

4) Plant as a gift to my both Mothers on Mother Day.

In Nepal, each year in order to honour and respect motherhood, maternal influence, sacrifice of mother that she did for us we celebrate Mother's Day, where mother are offered with candies, beautiful clothes and gifts but time and again I used say myself an eco warrior so this year I had tried to honour my both mother I.e my mom who gave me birth and Mother Earth who gave me space to live. So with these I had gifted plant to my both mother this year. And will always act in favour of them.

Plant as Gift to my both Mother on Mother's Day
5) Creative space competition and my concern for Climate change

Every year in Nepal, a joint youth conference I.e National Youth Conference is held by Nepal Youth Council where more than 250 youth from all across the country participate and discuss on major thematic area and out of which climate change is one of them. So a competition is held before the conference I.e Creative Space where various design are made with our creativity. So this year I had participated in this competition, where I had made a design of Role of Every Human for Climate Action, showing its not only a climate change its a climate Emergency. So we have to take an urgent action all across the world for this. If I will be selected for the conference through this competition then represent as Eco Gen Ambassador and I will discuss about Climate Change with all the youth across the country.

Together for Climate Action

To sum up, I had tried to celebrate this Earth Day as an campaign rather than a Day. So let's act for the change. We are the first generation to realize our action is creating an impact on Earth.
Celebrate Each Day as Earth Day####

Be the change, inspire the change and implement the change.

Happy Earth Day 2020 from Nepal##
Green Cheers!!!