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[Earth Day]

by Arushi Madan | 25-04-2020 04:57

Earth Day is celebrated every year on 22nd April to inspire awareness of and appreciation for earth's environment. It's a day to reflect on our planet, our environment and what we can do to help keep it healthy.

I believe that each of us, with a little thought, can be an eco-warrior in a small way and not only on Earth Day but every day.

Earth Day is more relevant than ever before. Plastic pollution is at its highest-ever and it¡¯s only getting worse. But not if we act now. Making just a few small changes can have a big impact on the amount of plastic we use on a day-to-day basis.

In past I have celebrated Earth Day in various ways (outdoor). For this Earth Day, I had planned to plant trees with our student community in our university.

Now with ¡®Lock down¡¯ in place, I can-not go out. University and everything is closed so I wrote the below poem, dedicated to Mother Earth.

Earth Day

April 22nd is Earth Day

Lock down is till 3rd May

Let¡¯s celebrate in a digital way

Let us learn, enjoy and play

Draw, paint and portray

Let us sing and sway

To Earth, Make a Poem or Essay

Hooray It¡¯s Earth¡¯s Birthday


We polluted Earth, now let¡¯s pay

No traffic on the roads all the way

Air is cleaning we feel and say

Earth is healing, as inside we Stay

Stay at home and keep Corona at bay

From Handshake & contact, stay away

To heal the earth, this is a new way


Can¡¯t go to Park, to our dismay

Is boring Inside all day

No different weekend or weekday

No outside, stay inside & pray

To beat Corona, this is a Safeway

To heal the Earth, this is a new way


This is my Tribute to Earth on Earth Day

Wishing you all a Happy Earth Day



This situation we are in today, I feel is, Nature¡¯s fury and a lesson to us to respect nature, protect environment, use resources optimally and minimize waste.

It is so true that the Earth whispered but we humans did not hear, The Earth spoke but we did not listen, the Earth screamed but we turned her off and so THE CORONA VIRUS WAS BORN, not to punish us but to awaken us.

The Earth cried out for help (Massive flooding, burning fires, Strong hurricanes, Terrifying Tornadoes, Ocean animals dying due to water pollution, Melting Glaciers, severe drought), but we didn¡¯t listen.

Neither did we realize how much negativity the Earth is receiving in the form of non-stop wars, crime and greed. We just kept going on with our lives but now Corona, the nature¡¯s fury is here and has made the world stop on its tracks, has made us finally listen to Earth, has made us stop thinking about materialistic things and only worry about our survival.

Earth (Through Covid-19) gave us fever¡¦as the fires burn on earth.

Earth (Through Covid-19) gave us respiratory issues¡¦as the pollutions fills the Earth¡¯s air.

It took away our comforts, our outings, the things we had been using to torture the planet and it has crippled us and has stopped the entire world by ¡®GLOBAL LOCK DOWN¡¯.

I sincerely hope that we live a better, eco-friendlier life in harmony with NATURE in the post COVID world. Let us always practise a reasonable social distancing. Let us always maintain personal hygiene. Let us not go out unnecessary (to contribute to air pollution). Let us travel minimum.