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Water scarcity and water pollution.

by Heemani Singh | 20-04-2020 13:13

Water scarcity and water pollution these two terms are not new for us.All of us are completely aware about it.Water scarcity and water pollution has become a great problem in  present context.

In present situation,we get the amount of Clean water we want and we all take clean water for granted.We don't use water safely.For ex leaving the tap open while brushing, bathing or cleaning.We are not aware that in various parts of world millions of people are unable to drink clean water.2.4billion people are at risk of dying from drinking unclean water with the most common disease like chlorela , typhoid,malaria.

The poor nation are affected most by this problem.Having a clean supply of water is vital for life and without it , a whole region can be devastated.

The main cause of water scarcity is water pollution. Pesticides and fertilizers that wash away from human waste or industrial waste and pollute ground water.As the ground water become polluted it causes scarcity of clean water.

Besides pesticides or fertilizer ,water is being polluted by unmanaged decomposing of waste at water resource site such as rivers.Throwing of plastic bottles, garbage in water also affects the aquatic animal .As we all know plastics remain on earth forever and release toxic chemicals and pollute both land and water.

Ground water are being polluted when contaminants from from pesticides and fertilizer waste. Municipal and industrial waste discharge also pollute the water and water become unfit for drinking. Contaminants such as chemical nutrients, from farm ,factories and cities by stream and rivers and estuaries travel out to sea and even ocean water become polluted.

Thus water pollution has caused scarcity of water and even affected human health very badly by spreading deadly disease.Tgus if we act together now by reducing plastic consumption, properly disposing chemical cleaners,disposing biodegradable waste separately and decomposing them,reusing nonbiodegradable waste .Using less pesticides and fertilizers.Thus we should act together in favour of our environment.