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[Thematic Report] Fast Fashion: An Unexpectedly Hazardous Industry to Our Worldly Environment

by Anocha Simma | 20-04-2020 18:12

Fast Fashion: An Unexpectedly Hazardous Industry to Our Worldly Environment

What is actually fast fashion?
Fast fashion is a business that focuses on selling a large amount of clothing at cheap prices. Throughout the production process of each piece of garment, more often than not, it inevitably and adversely affects human health and the environment as a whole. There is a great number of research which indicate that it has a widely negative impact on the environment and natural resources. 

Production of both natural and synthetic fibers in the production of drinking waters and pesticides is considered the main and fundamental issue which harms the environment and wildlife.  While the dyeing and finishing process of clothing is implemented, there is a great amount of sewage left after the production process. If the sewage and hazardous chemicals are not handled properly before being released into the river, they can potentially cause the accumulation of heavy metals and other toxins that may greatly affect the health of humans and animals, especially aquatic ones. 

What can we all do to help mitigate the problem?

Consumers in high-income countries are considered as an important group in supporting companies with operations that can reduce their impact on humans and the environment. To uplift and encourage the clothing industry standard, consumers must be aware of being environmentally friendly and should strictly value and support companies that have high standards and regulations used as practices to help maintain a sustainable society. Another basic and easy way I would like to suggest is to wear old clothes in your closet, try to stylish and mix and match so that you can reduce the needs of new clothes that those fast fashion companies are relying on. Start with yourself and spread this piece of knowledge to those around you.