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[Thematic Report] Cow farts are killing the planet!!!

by Nour Jennane | 18-04-2020 04:11

7% of the greenhouse gases produced on Earth come from our herds which quietly ruminate at the bottom of the fields!!!!!!


When people think about climate change they mostly accuse human activity¡¦ What if the guilt was shared... What if cows were our accomplices?

Cows are actually real gas machines. By ruminating, they produce methane, a greenhouse gas that contributes 25 times more to global warming than carbon dioxide, according to Le Parisien. Each animal produces the equivalent of a 400 km car journey each year!!!

Cows graze on grass, eat corn silage and also ingest grain. Then, it is well known, they ruminate. With a very repetitive gesture, they chew for long minutes the food previously swallowed. An apparently banal gesture that can be so damaging for the environment.

In order to limit these emissions, several experiments have been carried out around the world. In Argentina, breeders have dressed their cattle in a "backpack" capable of containing the gas of animals. The technique would recover nearly 300 liters of methane per animal. Converted into biofuel, this gas could power a refrigerator for a whole day, reports Inta, the National Institute of Agricultural Technology (in Spanish).

The National Institute for Agronomic Research (INRA) has designed a flax-based diet that reduces the methane emitted by 20%. Methane inhibitors, plant-based food additives rich in saponin, the tannins of legumes such as sainfoin, would also limit gas production.

BUT¡¦. Wait¡¦.  You can still do something so save our planet: Reduce your meat consumption!