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Free report: review of the film «Dark waters»

by Nikolay Dagaev | 16-04-2020 05:35

Why is there such a high mortality rate of children and adults from cancer these days? Why is it so common to hear from our grandparents: "Your generation is completely dead, that's our generation...» Of course, the older generation did not grow up on modern plastic, water-resistant paint, Teflon coating, but on cast iron and wood. And we sacrifice our health and life for comfort.

Everything we touch during the day — a mobile phone, a Teflon-coated frying pan, waterproof cosmetics, a bag of fast food — is a poison that causes slow destruction of the body. Each of us has a share of some chemicals that were "given" to us by the same chemical companies to "simplify" our lives.

In this report, I want to talk about a movie that excited me. The film "Dark waters" by Todd Haynes raises the topic of modern society and tries to open the eyes of the current generation: everything that surrounds us is a slow, but steadily acting poison.

The main character-Robert Bilott (played by Mark Ruffalo) works as a corporate lawyer at the respected law firm Taft Stettinius & Hollister and specializes in protecting chemical companies. One day, a farmer from a small town in West Virginia who knows Bilott's grandmother appears on the doorstep of his office. he specially comes to Tom and tells him that almost all the cattle died on his pasture, and that the industrial giant – the chemical company DuPont-is to blame for everything, dumping its toxic waste into a nearby reservoir.

Considering this case, Bilot will have to fight for many years with a huge Corporation that builds cities, infrastructure in them, provides thousands of jobs, but behind all this hides the pollution produced for years. The revealed facts of nature pollution led to the death of the animal world and to the appearance of congenital deformities in people and cancer diseases. But in addition to this company, it will also have to fight against a system that did not control emissions in any way and did not regulate the emissions of these substances, they were not even listed as prohibited, although experiments were conducted and their harmfulness was confirmed. Residents who acted as plaintiffs in this case had to fight with the reproachful looks of passers-by who worked in the specified plant. The plaintiffs 'homes were burned, they were attacked, and the company banned the plaintiffs' friends and family members from speaking or contacting them, isolating them.

Rob Bilott risks his career because he sincerely does not understand how a company with a clear conscience can poison not only its employees, but also all of humanity, knowing full well about the carcinogenic properties of its products. DuPont produces Teflon pans and other products containing perfluorooctane acid (PFOC), which makes huge profits. Therefore, the lawyer wants not just compensation for the victims, but also a complete ban for this harmful production.
Robert Bilott to this day continues to sue DuPont for many years with impunity polluting the environment. According to the Toxic 100 rating, formed by the Political Economy Research Institute (USA), as of August 2013, DuPont was in 1st place among the most polluting companies in the United States.
"Dark waters" is an incredibly relevant film not only about the unfavorable environmental situation around, but also about the exceptional human courage, the courage of a lone hero who entered the fight against the system.

It is symbolic that Robert Bilott was portrayed on the screen by an actor who himself is quite concerned about the problem of environmental pollution — mark Ruffalo. Mark Ruffalo is often seen in communities that oppose fracking. Fracking is one of the ways to extract gas and oil, the use of which leads to the appearance of many impurities in the water that are harmful to humans. For each hydraulic fracturing operation, 80 to 300 tons of chemicals are used. Ruffalo constantly raises this issue on talk shows to raise people's awareness of the dangers of fracking.