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[Free report] Forest fire

by Sachin Regmi | 11-04-2020 02:46

Forest fire, evil or necessory phenomenon?

It has been more than 3 weeks government has inposed lockdown here in Nepal. I am staying in my home in rural part of Nepam. The area is mostly covered by forest with small patches of villages aroung. 3 days earlier a forest fire started in nearby foreset. It could make human casulties or other visual damage but a large portion of forest is lost in ashes. So I will be wrting this article on the same topic.
The first thing everybody recall about forest fire is the Bushfire in Australia. Back in june 2019 caused death of 1.25 billion animals and its impact on mother earth is evident till today. So forest fire isnt a very good situation to have. It causes loss of trees and biodiversity as well. If the forest enters the settlement area we may expect that to cause a fortune. It kills animals, birds and other living creature it comes in its path. Human diseases due to poisonous gases from the fire is another aspect.
But wait we have another side of the story. Foresters encourage controlled forest fire inside forest. A technique called backburning actually minimizes chances of future forestfire. The controlled fire inside consumes all flammable object when the wild fire reaches the area there is nothing to fuel it and it goes off. Controlled fire can also manage dead trees, debris and clear the land for new reforestation.
So it up to you to decide what is wrong and right !!