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by Ajaya Poudel | 10-04-2020 22:07



   DPSIR (Drivers, Pressures, States, Impacts, responses) is a framework in which you can look at and analyse the important and interlinked relationship between social and environmental factors. It¡¯s a well received popular framework internationally. DPSIR was initially developed by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD 1994) and has been used by the United Nations (UNEP 1994; UNEP 2007) and European Environmental Agency (Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment 1995; Pierce 1998; EEA 1999) to relate human activities to the state of the environment.

According to its terminology, social and economic developments (Driving Forces, D) exert Pressures (P) on the environment and, as a consequence, the State (S) of the environment changes. This leads to Impacts (I) on ecosystems, human health, and society, which may elicit a societal Response (R) that feeds back on Driving Forces, on State or on Impacts via various mitigation, adaptation or curative actions (Smeets and Weterings, 1999; Gabrielsen and Bosch, 2003). Thus, the DPSIR is described as a ¡°causal framework for describing the interactions between society and the environment¡± (EEA, 2006a).

Pollution is the introduction of harmful materials into the environment. These harmful materials are called pollutants. Pollutants can be natural, such as volcanic ash. They can also be created by human activity, such as trash or runoff produced by factories. Pollutants damage the quality of air, water, and land.

Theoretically, the interactions between humans and the water environment can be addressed in an industrial ecology. (Ayres, R.U. and Ayres, 2002). In recent decades, river ecosystems have been greatly impaired in many regions worldwide, partly owing to water quality degradation. Industry is a huge source of water pollution, It produces pollutants that are extremely harmful to people and the environment. For the preparation of this report, the condition of the water quality of Kayar river due to establishment of Industries around the area was assessed where different types of industries like Brewery, Pharmaceuticals, brick factories, plastic mat industry, soap and detergents industry, etc. are situated among which Sherpa Brewery being the one that was selected to make the study of its impact to the water quality of Kayar khola with other factord being minor for the water quality degradation.


  • 1.  To know and analyze the present condition of water pollution in  Kayar khola, Chainpur-2, Chitwan due to effluents from the established industries in the area eg. Sherpa brewery.
  • 2.    To study the driving forces, pressures, states, Impact and Responses  and prepare a DPSIR framework for the selected issue.
  • 3.   To explore and suggest the possible ways to mitigate the pressure of water pollution due to effluents from the industry.
  • 4.     To explore other major and minor impacts of such industries to the   local and global environment.



  Notebook, pen for making notes, smartphone, laptop, books, journals


  For the purpose of this study, the industrial area around Kayar khola in Chainpur, Khairahani-4, Chitwan was selected. The reason behind selecting this site was that it is situated near our campus and was highly relevant to my selected topic. In addition, it is an industrial area with high emissions of various types of effluents, solid and gaseous wastes to the water sources and the atmosphere around it.


  The GPS coordinates of the selected site was found to be 27.6404¡Æ N Latitude and 84.5584¡Æ E Longitude and is located at an altitude of 210m above mean sea level. (Extracted from mWater Surveyor android app).


   There are usually two types of data i) Primary Data and ii)Secondary Data

Both types of data were collected by various means and methods.

The primary data were collected via direct visual observation of the selected site and by interviewing the nearby respondents and the factory workers.

The secondary data were collected via various research papers, journals and through internet browsing.


    Through various sources and methods of data collection, a scientific and systematic DPSIR framework of the selected topic was created and a detailed analytical result were obtained and studied under the following components:


Various anthropogenic driving forces were found to be involved in the pollution of kayar khola with Industrial development being the major one in addition to which population growth, forest destruction and biomass burning, strengthened by natural changes, such as in meteorological or climatic changes and in ecosystem composition e.g. aquatic vegetation and fish species, transportation facilities, rapid urbanization, etc.


    The various driving forces mentioned above provide pressures to the environment of the water resource through discharge of effluents from the industries, land runoff and leaching of nutrients due to degradation in soil quality, atmospheric deposition of nutrients, reinforced by pressures from natural driving forces as well.


    The pressures created on the aquatic environment by the driving forces result in the change in the physical, chemical and biological state of the water system i.e. degradation in the water quality, changes in the ecosystem, including increased nutrient concentrations, abundant algal and aquatic vegetation growth resulting from eutrophication, deoxygenation, Hydrogen sulphide formation and death of aquatic animals.


    The pollution created in the water of kayar khola has various eventual impacts to the aquatic environment which can be manifested in terms of decreased fish species, loss of amenities and tourism/recreational value and biodiversity, as well as decreased usability of water from the river for domestic, industrial and agricultural purposes, and the increased health risks by water-borne and insect borne diseases to the humans as well.

The detailed study of water pollution in Kayar khola relates mainly to the industrial development in the Chainpur area, which as a consequence cause decrease in fish species due to deposition of harmful chemical effluents into the river and also increased health risks to human beings due to incidence of various water and insect-borne diseases.


    On the basis of the various driving forces, pressures, impacts and state of the environment in relation to the water pollution different responses are shown by the policy makers and the society to reduce, control or reduce the effect of the pollution. The most effective solutions relates to a reduction of non-point source pollution, by means of control measures for demographic developments, sustainable land use, alternative sources of household and industry biomass, and the preservation and rehabilitation of forests and shoreline vegetation.



    By the application of various methods of data collection, a systematic step-wise DPSIR analysis in relation to Water pollution was carried out in Kayar Khola in Khairahani-4, Chitwan and cause-effect relationship of human interaction/activities with the environment was studied along with the identification and evaluation of possible response measures after analyzing the cause-effect relationship. Especially from the site that was selected i.e. Sherpa Brewery it was found that the liquid waste chemicals produced during the production of Sherpa Beer was directly discharged to kair khola via a drainage canal. Other solid waste like burnt husks were also produced which was used as ash in agricultural field by the local farmers.


    Hence, the DPSIR framework can be successfully applied to study the effects of Human interaction with the natural environment.


  • 1.     Ayres, R.U., and Ayres, L.W., 2002. A Handbook of Industrial        Ecology; Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, UK.
  • 2.   European Environment Agency (EEA), 2006a. EEA Glossary.              [Retrieved from:   glossary/dpsir]
  • 3.     Scheren, P. A. G. M. 2003. Integrated water pollution assessment in data- and resource-poor situations : Lake Victoria and Gulf of Guinea case studies. Eindhoven: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven.
  • 4.      Smeets, E., and Weterings, R., 1999. Environmental Indicators:         Typology and Overview; European Environment Agency:                 Copenhagen, Denmark.